The resources use a data model that is supported by a set of client-side libraries that are made available on the files and libraries page.
There is a WADL document available that describes the resources API.
You may also enjoy the interactive interface provided for this API by Swagger.
name | path | methods | description |
AccountingItineraryImporterImpl |
Service made especially to import itineraries from an accounting system. Typically used to retrieve historical data. |
AccountingProviderImpl |
An API to pull reports from TRAMS and Agresso using the AccountingCore. Added exclude a method so that it will not be exposed as a Web method. |
AirAvailabilityProviderImpl |
An implementation of the air availability provider that applies contracts and gds settings in relation to a user finding travel. Created by nick on 7/28/16. |
AirBankDaoProviderImpl |
Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 6/15/16 Time: 12:59 PM |
AirBankProviderImpl |
The base provider. All providers should have similar functionality to this. Hopefully these methods are fairly self-explanatory. Think of these as 'tool box' functions to help generate services quickly. |
AirPortalAlertsProviderImpl |
Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 5/16/16 Time: 11:22 AM |
AirVendorCommissionProviderImpl |
Exclude few method so that it will not be exposed as a Web method. |
AirselectProviderImpl |
An implementation of Airselect, an availability delivery system. Created by nick on 11/29/16. |
AirtineraryProviderImpl |
A provider to get Airtineraries to display to the user. |
AnalyticsProviderHibernateImpl |
An API to get analytics data from scheduled processes. |
AnalyticsReportProviderHibernateImpl |
An API to send/get analytics reports. |
AnonymousProviderHibernateImpl |
The base provider. All providers should have similar functionality to this. Hopefully these methods are fairly self-explanatory. Think of these as 'tool box' functions to help generate services quickly. |
AutocompleteProviderImpl |
The base provider. All providers should have similar functionality to this. Hopefully these methods are fairly self-explanatory. Think of these as 'tool box' functions to help generate services quickly. |
AvailabilitySettingsProviderImpl |
Created by nick on 3/23/17. |
BCDImportProviderImpl |
An implementation of the BCD Import Provider from the itinerary's point of view. Created by nick on 7/12/17. |
BarrickReportProviderImpl |
An API to pull reports from TRAMS and Agresso using the AccountingCore. |
ChangeHistoryProviderImpl |
Provides interaction with the change history table |
CityProviderHibernateImpl |
An API to interact with cities, airports and train stations. |
ClientAgentRequestSettingProviderImpl |
The base provider. All providers should have similar functionality to this. Hopefully these methods are fairly self-explanatory. Think of these as 'tool box' functions to help generate services quickly. |
ClientProviderHibernateImpl |
An API to interact with client or traveler group objects in the database. |
CommissionsProviderImpl |
Class to provide functionality for tracking commissions |
ContractsProviderHibernateImpl |
Hibernate implementation of the contracts provider. Created by nick on 4/4/16. |
CurrencyExchangeProviderWorldspanImpl |
An API to interact with currency exchange rate services. |
DashboardProviderHibernateImpl |
The base provider. All providers should have similar functionality to this. Hopefully these methods are fairly self-explanatory. Think of these as 'tool box' functions to help generate services quickly. |
DemoProviderImpl |
Created by nick on 4/5/17. |
DomoFeedProviderImpl |
Created by nick on 3/27/17. |
DomoUserProviderImpl |
Created by susan on 3/30/18. |
EmailParserProviderImpl |
EmailProviderImpl |
A provider/API for sending email. |
EmployeeProviderHibernateImpl |
An API to interact with the EmployeeInfo object. |
EncompassProviderHibernateImpl |
An API to interact with the web services provided by Encompass Suites. |
ErrorProviderHibernateImpl |
An API to report errors that occur during scheduled processes. |
FaqProviderImpl |
The base provider. All providers should have similar functionality to this. Hopefully these methods are fairly self-explanatory. Think of these as 'tool box' functions to help generate services quickly. |
FaxCrudProviderImpl |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: kstauffe Date: 9/25/13 Time: 8:38 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
FaxProviderImpl |
FeedbackProviderImpl |
Implementation of the feedback provider. |
FileStorageProviderImpl |
A provider/API for uploading files to a server for storage. |
FlightDelaysProviderFlightStatsImpl |
An API to interact with Flight Stats. Flight Stats is a paid service that retrieves data about flights. |
FormOfPaymentProviderHibernateImpl |
The provider for dealing with client Form of payments. All endpoints should be permissioned with either EDIT_FOP or READ_MASKED_FOP(for readonly) Never return unmasked encrypted information. |
GROSpec209ReportProviderImpl |
A GRO report is an 11 document zip file that describes all travel done by a client. This zip file needs to be uploaded to BCD's ftp server. Here is an API to create this report. |
GdacsProviderImpl |
Implementation of getting natural disaster alerts from GDACS. ( Created by nick on 10/21/14. |
GdsClientProviderImpl |
A service that provides an API to GDSes. A typical command will look something like: AB@GETUNUSED*KING/KEVIN*FP9 Where the first is the service alias (AB) The second is the method name (GETUNUSED) Anything after that (delimited by *) is a parameter to the GETUNUSED function. |
GdsProviderHibernateImpl |
An API for getting all of the Global Distribution System definitions. |
GdsTypesProviderHibernateImpl |
A provider that can be used to format GDS codes into human-readable formats. Like Aircraft Types and Car classes. Eventually these kinds of fields should be moved into the domain properly and this provider should be deprecated at that point. |
GeocodeProviderImpl |
A provider to organize external geocoding services. |
GridProviderHibernateImpl |
The base provider. All providers should have similar functionality to this. Hopefully these methods are fairly self-explanatory. Think of these as 'tool box' functions to help generate services quickly. |
GroupProviderHibernateImpl |
A provider to manage user groups with. |
HRFeedProviderHibernateImpl |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: drmckenna Date: 9/5/14 Time: 2:47 PM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
HotelAttachmentProviderHibernateImpl |
Created by nick on 6/3/15. |
HotelVpayProviderImpl |
Created by susan on 7/12/17. Hotel Vpay Service Implementation |
HplCrudProviderImpl |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: kstauffe Date: 9/20/13 Time: 8:58 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
HplProviderImpl |
User: Kurt Stauffer Date: 9/20/13 Time: 8:53 AM |
HubspotProviderImpl |
InternalNewsProviderImpl |
The base provider. All providers should have similar functionality to this. Hopefully these methods are fairly self-explanatory. Think of these as 'tool box' functions to help generate services quickly. |
InvoiceEmailProviderNativeImpl |
An API to get uninvoiced data from air,car,hotel processes. |
ItineraryBuilderProviderImpl |
Created by nick on 5/19/16. |
ItineraryDetailsProviderPublicImpl |
A provider for retrieving detailed itinerary data. Mostly for back-end use. |
ItineraryProviderHibernateImpl |
An API to interact with itineraries / trips. This will have two types of complicated return objects: The first will be the itinerary summary straight from the database. The second would be a display object that has detailed trip information. |
ItinerarySegmentProviderHibernateImpl |
Hibernate implementation of the dedicated segment provider. |
ItinerarySettingsProviderHibernateImpl |
An API to interact with itinerary settings for users, agents, agencies and accounts. |
JiraProviderImpl |
An API to interact with the web service provided by JIRA. |
ManagerProviderHibernateImpl |
This provider is for functions for Client Managers. |
MarketingEmailHibernateProviderImpl |
A provider/API for sending email. |
MarketingEmailSenderProviderImpl |
A provider/API for sending marketing emails. |
MealProviderHibernateImpl |
The base provider. All providers should have similar functionality to this. Hopefully these methods are fairly self-explanatory. Think of these as 'tool box' functions to help generate services quickly. |
MidofficeAnalyticsProviderImpl |
Created by nick on 7/19/17. |
MobileNotificationProviderImpl |
Created by nick on 5/29/15. |
MonaVieReportProviderImpl |
An API to pull reports from TRAMS and Agresso using the AccountingCore. |
MonthlySummaryProviderImpl |
Endpoints for the monthly savings summary records. Mostly just saving and refreshing totals. |
NotificationCrudProviderImpl |
The base provider. All providers should have similar functionality to this. Hopefully these methods are fairly self-explanatory. Think of these as 'tool box' functions to help generate services quickly. |
NotificationProviderImpl |
The base provider. All providers should have similar functionality to this. Hopefully these methods are fairly self-explanatory. Think of these as 'tool box' functions to help generate services quickly. |
OBEProviderImpl |
The base provider. All providers should have similar functionality to this. Hopefully these methods are fairly self-explanatory. Think of these as 'tool box' functions to help generate services quickly. |
OfficeProviderHibernateImpl |
An API to interact with offices. |
PerDiemReimbursementProviderImpl |
Created by nick on 4/19/16. |
PermissionProviderHibernateImpl |
A provider/API for viewing and updating user permissions and groups. |
ProfileImportProviderHibernateImpl |
The base provider. All providers should have similar functionality to this. Hopefully these methods are fairly self-explanatory. Think of these as 'tool box' functions to help generate services quickly. |
ProfileProviderHibernateImpl |
The base provider. All providers should have similar functionality to this. Hopefully these methods are fairly self-explanatory. Think of these as 'tool box' functions to help generate services quickly. |
ProfileUploadProviderHibernateImpl |
The base provider. All providers should have similar functionality to this. Hopefully these methods are fairly self-explanatory. Think of these as 'tool box' functions to help generate services quickly. |
ProfileUrlProviderHibernateImpl |
The base provider. All providers should have similar functionality to this. Hopefully these methods are fairly self-explanatory. Think of these as 'tool box' functions to help generate services quickly. |
QueueProviderHibernateImpl |
An API to track queues and queue configurations. |
QueueSortProviderImpl |
A provider dedicated to sorting queues and sending trips to agents in their GDS. |
RecentSegmentProviderHibernateImpl |
An API to get information specific to SecurityLogic features. Also can be thought of as the RecentSegmentProvider. |
RecheckProviderImpl |
SAMLProviderHibernateImpl |
The base provider. All providers should have similar functionality to this. Hopefully these methods are fairly self-explanatory. Think of these as 'tool box' functions to help generate services quickly. |
ScheduleChangeProviderImpl |
The base provider. All providers should have similar functionality to this. Hopefully these methods are fairly self-explanatory. Think of these as 'tool box' functions to help generate services quickly. |
ScriptProviderHibernateImpl |
The base provider. All providers should have similar functionality to this. Hopefully these methods are fairly self-explanatory. Think of these as 'tool box' functions to help generate services quickly. |
SertifiProviderImpl |
ServerInfoProviderImpl |
A service for retrieving information about the server that the service is running on. |
ServiceDeskProviderHibernateImpl |
An API to interact with the Help Desk database. |
ServiceFeeProviderHibernateImpl |
Created by nick on 4/16/14. |
SsoProviderImpl |
An API to get SAML assertions for SSO authentications. |
SurveyEmailProviderImpl |
Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 2/4/16 Time: 9:46 AM |
TicketingProviderImpl |
Provider used to validate and ticket PNRs. User: nick Date: 9/25/13 Time: 2:02 PM |
TmcProviderImpl |
Implementation of a service to retrieve TMC info. Created by nick on 11/12/15. |
TravelAlertsCrudProviderImpl |
Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 10/8/13 Time: 3:21 PM |
TravelAlertsProviderImpl |
Fetches travel alerts from |
TravelGroupProviderImpl |
Created by susan on 6/11/19. |
TravelGroupRequestProviderImpl |
A provider for requesting travel from agents using specialized group discount contracts. |
TravelPolicyProviderHibernateImpl |
Created by nick on 1/27/15. |
TravelRequestProviderHibernateImpl |
TravelSpendProviderHibernateImpl |
The base provider. All providers should have similar functionality to this. Hopefully these methods are fairly self-explanatory. Think of these as 'tool box' functions to help generate services quickly. |
TripLinkProviderImpl |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: nick Date: 9/13/13 Time: 9:04 AM The implementation class for TripLink. Using Hibernate and XML communications. |
TripitProviderHibernateImpl |
A provider to interact with Tripit and track Tripit interaction. |
UdidsProviderImpl |
Created by nick on 1/27/16. |
UltradentReportProviderImpl |
An API to pull reports from TRAMS and Agresso using the AccountingCore. |
UnclaimedCommissionsProviderHibernateImpl |
Gets and updates commissions that have not been claimed by agents. If the agent doesn't claim it, we don't know to pay it to them. |
UofUReportProviderImpl |
An API to pull reports from TRAMS and Agresso using the AccountingCore. |
UserProviderHibernateImpl |
An API to interact with AirPortal User objects. |
ValueLogicChartProviderImpl |
These endpoints are used to retrieve chart data. As it stands the data is universal enough that it can be used for any type of chart really. But the service layer for the data was build with the Highcharts API in mind. |
ValueLogicImportProviderImpl |
Responsible for importing itinerary savings records into airportal Currently all our importing is done through itineraries in the airportal database, we feed them into these endpoints and from that point on the records are updated and managed by agents in the front end UI. |
ValueLogicProviderHibernateImpl |
The standard service endpoints for the valuelogic system, scope is the basic CRUD for valuelogic records and Udid information |
VasrReportProviderImpl |
An API to pull reports from TRAMS and Agresso using the AccountingCore, as well as from the Vasr DB. Added exclude a method so that it will not be exposed as a Web method. |
VendorProviderHibernateImpl |
An API to interact with vendor objects. |
VirtualPaymentDaoProviderImpl |
Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 3/7/17 Time: 2:05 PM |
VoidLogProviderHibernateImpl |
A provider for tracking voids that have or have not been pushed out to the airline authority (ARC) |
WeatherProviderAerisImpl |
Fetches weather data from Aeris Weather This provider will also cache basic weather data. Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 6/2/16 Time: 8:44 AM |
Wt0ProviderImpl |
Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 4/26/16 Time: 8:29 AM |
name | description |
ServerInfoProvider | A service for retrieving information about the server that the service is running on. |
name | description |
GdsClientProvider | An API for GDS scripts to connect to and request data or do work. |
name | description |
HotelVpayProvider | Created by susan on 7/12/17. Service Endpoint Interface for VPay Hotel Daily Checkins |
VirtualPaymentDaoProvider | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 3/7/17 Time: 2:05 PM |
name | description |
CurrencyExchangeProvider | An API to interact with currency exchange rate services. |
DomoFeedProvider | A provider used for providing information to Domo. Created by nick on 3/27/17. |
DomoUserProvider | A provider used for providing information to Domo. Created by susan on 3/30/18. |
EncompassProvider | An API to interact with the web services provided by Encompass Suites. |
FaxCrudProvider | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: kstauffe Date: 9/25/13 Time: 8:37 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
FaxProvider | |
FlightDelaysProvider | An API to interact with Flight Stats. Flight Stats is a paid service that retrieves data about flights. |
GdacsProvider | A provider to retrieve GDACS data and format it to a simpler object schema. Basically just a proxy. Created by nick on 10/21/14. |
GeocodeProvider | A provider to organize external geocoding services. |
JiraProvider | An API to interact with the web service provided by JIRA. |
MobileNotificationProvider | A provider that aids in sending out mobile notifications to devices that are registered in Airportal. Created by nick on 5/29/15. |
PerDiemReimbursementProvider | A provider to help manage government reimbursement rates for travel expenses. Created by nick on 4/19/16. |
PvsGlobalProvider | A service that helps manage PVS Global accounts and bookings. PVS Global is a risk management system primarily dealing with international travel and passport related interruptions. Created by nick on 10/15/15. |
SmsProvider | API for sending SMS text messages Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 1/7/16 Time: 10:49 AM |
SsoProvider | An API to get SAML assertions for SSO authentications. |
TravelAlertsCrudProvider | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 10/8/13 Time: 3:20 PM |
TravelAlertsProvider | Fetches travel alerts from |
TripLinkProvider | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: nick Date: 9/12/13 Time: 4:42 PM Service that manages TripLink booked segments and itineraries. Also manages subscribing to the TripLink feed for partner applications. |
TripitProvider | A provider to interact with Tripit and track Tripit interaction. |
WeatherProvider | An API to interact with a Weather Service to get weather conditions and alerts. |
name | description |
InvoiceEmailProvider | An API to get uninvoiced data from air,car,hotel processes. |
name | description |
AirAvailabilityProvider | A provider for searching for available flights and getting data about previous searches for flights. Created by nick on 7/28/16. |
AirPortalAlertsProvider | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 5/16/16 Time: 11:22 AM |
AirVendorCommissionProvider | Exclude few method so that it will not be exposed as a Web method. |
AirselectProvider | A provider for delivering air availability results in an email format. Created by nick on 11/29/16. |
AirtineraryProvider | A provider to get Airtineraries to display to the user. |
AnonymousProvider | |
AutocompleteProvider | |
AvailabilitySettingsProvider | A service dedicated to retrieving settings around availabilities for varying travel types. Created by nick on 3/23/17. |
ChangeHistoryProvider | Provides interaction with tables that track histories of critical objects. |
CityProvider | An API to interact with cities, airports and train stations. |
ClientAgentRequestSettingProvider | |
ClientProvider | An API to interact with client or traveler group objects in the database. |
ContractsProvider | Contracts provider provides objects that describe relations between various business entities. For instance, a contract could be a negotiated relationship between an account and an airline to get a discounted rate. Created by nick on 4/4/16. |
CredentialsProvider | |
DashboardProvider | |
EmailParserProvider | |
EmailProvider | A provider/API for sending email. |
FaqProvider | |
FeedbackProvider | Method space for working with feedback. |
FileStorageProvider | A provider/API for uploading files to a server for storage. |
FormOfPaymentProvider | The provider for dealing with client Form of payments. All endpoints should be permissioned with either EDIT_FOP or READ_MASKED_FOP(for readonly) Never return unmasked encrypted information. |
GDSProvider | An API for getting all of the Global Distribution System definitions. |
GdsTypesProvider | A provider that can be used to format GDS codes into human-readable formats. Like Aircraft Types and Car classes. Eventually these kinds of fields should be moved into the domain properly and this provider should be deprecated at that point. |
GridProvider | |
GroupProvider | A provider to manage user groups with. |
HRFeedProvider | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: drmckenna Date: 9/5/14 Time: 2:03 PM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
HotelAttachmentProvider | A provider that sends out emails or queues email reminders that help travelers add their non-compliant hotels to their itineraries. Created by nick on 6/3/15. |
InternalNewsProvider | |
ItineraryBuilderProvider | A provider dedicated to creating itineraries from manual inputs as opposed to loading from external sources. Endpoints that are prefixed by 'add' are for non-GDS segments. To get them into the GDS, please set the appropriate addToGds level: 0 = do not add, 1 = add to PNR, 2 = add in seperate PNR with note in original. Created by nick on 5/19/16. |
ItineraryDetailsProvider | A provider for retrieving detailed itinerary data. Mostly for back-end use. |
ItineraryProvider | An API to interact with itineraries / trips. This will have two types of complicated return objects: The first will be the itinerary summary straight from the database. The second would be a display object that has detailed trip information. |
ItinerarySegmentProvider | Dedicated provider for reporting on and interacting with segments |
ItinerarySettingsProvider | An API to interact with itinerary settings for users, agents, agencies and accounts. |
ManagerProvider | This provider is for functions for Client Managers. |
MarketingEmailProvider | A provider/API for sending email. |
MarketingEmailSenderProvider | A provider/API for sending marketing emails. |
MealProvider | |
NotificationCrudProvider | |
NotificationProvider | |
OBEProvider | |
PermissionProvider | A provider/API for viewing and updating user permissions and groups. |
ProfileImportProvider | |
ProfileProvider | |
ProfileUploadProvider | |
QueueProvider | An API to track queues and queue configurations. |
QueueSortProvider | A provider dedicated to sorting queues and sending trips to agents in their GDS. |
RecentSegmentProvider | An API to get information specific to SecurityLogic features. Also can be thought of as the RecentSegmentProvider. |
RecheckProvider | |
SAMLProvider | |
ScheduleChangeProvider | |
ScriptProvider | |
ServiceFeeProvider | A provider for service fee information. Created by nick on 4/16/14. |
SurveyEmailProvider | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 2/4/16 Time: 9:42 AM |
TicketingProvider | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: nick Date: 9/25/13 Time: 1:58 PM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
TmcProvider | A provider to interact with Travel Management Companies and their settings. Created by nick on 11/12/15. |
TravelPolicyProvider | Provider to help manage travel policies for different clients/groups/divisions. Created by nick on 1/27/15. |
TravelRequestProvider | |
TravelSpendProvider | |
UdidsProvider | A provider dedicated to handling UDIDs. UDIDs are User Defined Fields that are added to trips to enhance reporting. Clients, Offices, and TMCs may all have specific UDID configurations. Created by nick on 1/27/16. |
UserProvider | An API to interact with AirPortal User objects. |
VendorProvider | An API to interact with vendor objects. |
VoidLogProvider | A provider for tracking voids that have or have not been pushed out to the airline authority (ARC) |
Wt0Provider | Author: Kurt Stauffer
Date: 4/26/16
Time: 8:28 AM
Modified By: Susan Grey
Modified On: 11/3/2017
Description: A Provider to get all work to zero task for given logged In User. Every user, have task permission set.
Logged in user can have more than one dashboard such as a) Manager (Airportal 360) b) Agent c) Traveler |
name | description |
AccountingItineraryImporter | Service made especially to import itineraries from an accounting system. Typically used to retrieve historical data. |
AccountingProvider | An API to pull reports from TRAMS and Agresso using the AccountingCore. Added exclude a method so that it will not be exposed as a Web method. |
BCDImportProvider | A provider that specializes in importing BCD files from BCD's accounting system. Created by nick on 7/12/17. |
BarrickReportProvider | An API to pull reports from TRAMS and Agresso using the AccountingCore. |
CommissionsProvider | A provider to help manage and update commissions distributed by the TMC for services rendered. |
GROReportProvider | A GRO report is an 11 document zip file that describes all travel done by a client. This zip file needs to be uploaded to BCD's ftp server. Here is an API to create this report. |
MonaVieReportProvider | An API to pull reports from TRAMS and Agresso using the AccountingCore. |
UltradentReportProvider | An API to pull reports from TRAMS and Agresso using the AccountingCore. |
UnclaimedCommissionsProvider | Gets and updates commissions that have not been claimed by agents. If the agent doesn't claim it, we don't know to pay it to them. |
UofUReportProvider | An API to pull reports from TRAMS and Agresso using the AccountingCore. |
VasrReportProvider | An API to pull reports from TRAMS and Agresso using the AccountingCore, as well as from the Vasr DB. Added exclude a method so that it will not be exposed as a Web method. |
name | description |
DemoProvider | A provider built specifically for building and munging demo data. Created by nick on 4/5/17. |
name | description |
SapProvider |
name | description |
MonthlySummaryProvider | Endpoints for the monthly savings summary records. Mostly just saving and refreshing totals. |
ValueLogicChartProvider | These endpoints are used to retrieve chart data. As it stands the data is universal enough that it can be used for any type of chart really. But the service layer for the data was build with the Highcharts API in mind. |
ValueLogicImportProvider | Responsible for importing itinerary savings records into airportal Currently all our importing is done through itineraries in the airportal database, we feed them into these endpoints and from that point on the records are updated and managed by agents in the front end UI. |
ValueLogicProvider | The standard service endpoints for the valuelogic system, scope is the basic CRUD for valuelogic records and Udid information |
name | description |
EmployeeProvider | An API to interact with the EmployeeInfo object. |
OfficeProvider | An API to interact with offices. |
ProfileUrlProvider |
name | description |
AnalyticsProvider | An API to get analytics data from scheduled processes. |
AnalyticsReportProvider | An API to send/get analytics reports. |
ErrorProvider | An API to report errors that occur during scheduled processes. |
MidofficeAnalyticsProvider | A service for storing and querying errors that happen during ticketing via an external midoffice system. Created by nick on 7/19/17. |
name | description |
AirBankDaoProvider | Excluded few method so that it will not be exposed as a Web method. Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 6/15/16 Time: 12:57 PM |
AirBankProvider |
name | description |
ServiceDeskProvider | An API to interact with the Help Desk database. |
name | description |
HplCrudProvider | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: kstauffe Date: 9/20/13 Time: 8:58 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
HplProvider | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: kstauffe Date: 9/20/13 Time: 8:52 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
The services API is also accessible by a set of client-side libraries that can be downloaded from the files and libraries page.
type | description |
AccountProactiveTime | Provides a summary of proactive time information for an account |
AccountingSystem | An identifier table that tracks the types of accounting systems. I.E. Trams or Agresso. Created by nick on 5/29/14. |
Address | |
AdvisorAward | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: jeremiahs Date: 10/3/14 Time: 11:39 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
AdvisorBanner | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: jeremiahs Date: 10/2/14 Time: 10:46 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
AdvisorDepartment | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
AdvisorDesignation | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
AdvisorDestination | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
AdvisorInterest | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
AdvisorInterestCategory | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: jeremiahs Date: 9/22/14 Time: 10:50 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
AdvisorProfile | User: nick Date: 10/2/13 Time: 4:39 PM A leisure agent profile. These are publicly displayed on the andavo website When hidden = false and active = true. |
AdvisorSchedule | Advisor schedules are used to track the hours an advisor works on a daily basis. User: nick Date: 1/23/14 Time: 3:31 PM |
AdvisorSpecialization | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
AdvisorSpecialty | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: jeremiahs Date: 12/3/14 Time: 7:25 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
AdvisorTestimonial | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: jeremiahs Date: 10/31/14 Time: 10:51 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
AgentCommission | A transaction for a single commission. There should be many of these to one statement. |
AgentCommissionStatement | An entry statement of commissions that an agent has been paid (or is expected to be paid). Created by nick on 3/18/16. |
AgentCommissionStatementStatus | An object that helps define the current status of a commission. Created by nick on 3/18/16. |
AgentGroup | Agent groups are simple container for agents, so that they can be added quickly to clients. |
AgentNote | A class representing extra information that should be added to airtineraries, and the conditions on when they should be sent. |
AgentVasrInfo | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
AirAgentNote | A note to be added to segments depending upon certain distinguishing features of the segment. User: nick Date: 2/7/14 Time: 3:26 PM |
AirBankUnusedTicketSummary | Created by jeremiah on 6/3/16. |
AirClientContract | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: nick Date: 11/22/13 Time: 9:26 AM Air client contracts store contract/business information that clients agree upon with a specific vendor. |
AirClientContractFileLink | File URLs that contain contracts for airlines. Created by nick on 1/17/18. |
AirJustification | A description of different codes that can be used to determine justification for not getting the lowest airfare. Created by nick on 5/22/15. |
AirPortalAlert | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 5/16/16 Time: 9:52 AM |
AirPortalAlertDismissed | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 5/17/16 Time: 8:30 AM |
AirPortalAlertSeverity | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 5/16/16 Time: 11:54 AM |
AirSegment | An element that represents a segment of air travel in an itinerary. |
AirSegmentSpend | Specific display information relating to individual tickets for spend reconciliation. |
AirVendor | An element representing air vendors for Airportal. |
AirVendorAlliance | An air alliance is a relationship between airlines that share business deals with each other. |
AirVendorCommissionContract | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
AirVendorCommissionLink | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
AircraftType | An element that gives names for aircraft types. |
AirportalClientContract | An abstract class to help make important fields across different contract types more visible. User: nick Date: 2/17/14 Time: 12:09 PM |
AirportalNote | Generic remark object so that common functions can be shared among similar objects. User: nick Date: 2/11/14 Time: 3:49 PM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
AirportalSegment | An abstract segment class that we can use to order our segment objects by. |
AirportalVendor | An abstract class to help make vendor information more visible. Created by nick on 2/19/15. |
AirselectAnalytic | An analytic object for tracking airselect results and email statuses. Created by nick on 11/29/16. |
AirselectAnalyticCC | An analytic storing various CC'd emails for airselects. Created by nick on 11/29/16. |
AirselectErrorReport | An analytic used to store various errors that may happen during an airselect delivery. Created by nick on 11/29/16. |
AirtineraryAnalytic | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
AirtineraryAnalyticCC | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
AirtineraryErrorReport | An object representing an error thrown during a scheduled process. |
AnalyticStatus | An object representing the status of an itinerary currently scheduled in a process. |
AutocompleteData | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 9/11/14 Time: 4:33 PM |
AutocompleteList | A simple wrapper of a list of autocomplete results. |
AutocompleteResult | A result row of an autocomplete search. |
AutocompleteSuggestion | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 8/28/14 Time: 4:19 PM |
AverageSavingsLineGraph | |
BaseEntity | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
BaseHibernateEntity | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
BasicProfileTemplate | |
BasicSeries | Series objects represent the different data types we can have in our chart: -Slices of the pie -Types of bars -Line data sets |
CallInfo | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
CarAgentNote | A note to be added to segments depending upon certain distinguishing features of the segment. User: nick Date: 2/7/14 Time: 3:26 PM |
CarClass | A car class is the general class of the vehicle requested. Like Economy or Gas-Guzzler. |
CarClientContract | A car client contract is a contract held between the account and the rental agency. Typically identified by a corporate discount number or a billing id. Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: nick Date: 11/22/13 Time: 9:59 AM Car contracts are the relation between a client and a car rental agency for special rates and privileges. |
CarClientContractFileLink | File URLs that contain contracts for car rentals. Created by nick on 7/03/18. |
CarEquipment | Car equipment requested. Like Car Seats or Swim Flippers. |
CarFeature | Car features are a letter that defines extra feature types on a vehicle. Like Air Conditioning, etc. Created by nick on 10/7/14. |
CarJustification | Different codes that represent the justification of why the preferred rental agency was not chosen or why no car was rented at all. Created by nick on 5/22/15. |
CarLocation | An element that represents car location of car segments. |
CarRateCode | A car rate code is the time interval of when the rate amount should be charged. |
CarSegment | An element that represents car segments of itineraries. |
CarSegmentSpend | Specific car segment booking information Created by jeremiah on 9/21/16. |
CarTransmission | The type of transmission that was rented. Like Automatic or Manual 4WD. |
CarTypeCode | A car type is a descriptor of the type of vehicle rented. Like if its a car or truck. |
CarVendor | An element that represents vendors for car segments. |
Checkins | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 6/12/14 Time: 4:18 PM |
City | An element representing City codes in Airportal. |
ClassOfService | The class code is the code that represents the type of seating in the ticket. Like first class or coach. |
ClassOfServiceLevel | Describes different levels of class of service. This is good for defining levels of service without specifying every vendor. Created by nick on 2/26/15. |
Client | A client is a group of people represented in an organization, corporation, or just a 'travel group.' These groups of people are enlisted in Airportal so that they can book travel with a TMC. |
ClientAgentRequestSettings | |
ClientAirAvailabilitySetting | Client air availability settings are various settings per the account that determine the formats retrieved for air availability searches. Created by nick on 3/23/17. |
ClientAttachment | Represents a note about a client, with text and optionally an attachment. |
ClientBillingOptions | Provides contact information for a client. Also should match gds information for this client. |
ClientChartNode | A node used in a chart that will describe client relations. Created by nick on 5/1/15. |
ClientChildrenComposite | An object that explains the relationship between a parent account and departments that are within that account. |
ClientContact | Provides contact information for a client. Also should match gds information for this client. |
ClientContactInfo | Provides contact information for a client. Also should match gds information for this client. |
ClientContract | Provides vendor contract info for a client. |
ClientCustomAgencyContacts | Controls for the contacts page on Airportal, in case the client needs something different than it's travel agency's office and agents. |
ClientCustomAgencyNumber | A name/value pair that can be used to display other non-standard numbers on the contacts page. |
ClientDTO | A simple Virtual pay client Data Transfer Object |
ClientFeeContract | An agreement between the TMC and client that explains when debts are accrued by the client to the TMC. Created by nick on 4/16/14. |
ClientFlatFee | A flat fee is a misc fee that will be charged to the client. Created by nick on 7/21/14. |
ClientItinerarySetting | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
ClientLocation | A simple location with address, used as a booking location by a client |
ClientLogEntry | An entry for the client log, detailing the change of a particular field that is related to a client. |
ClientLogoConfiguration | An object to describe the logo locations for an account. |
ClientManager | An object that explains the relation a manager or planner has to a client or group of travelers. |
ClientMember | An object defining a traveler's relationship to a client or travel group. |
ClientNote | Represents a note about a client, with text and optionally an attachment. |
ClientNoteCategory | A client note category is a list of categories that notes can be organized into. They tend to match the names of client administrative pages available on the Airportal site. Created by nick on 3/13/17. |
ClientPipeline | ClientPipeline is used to display to sales what the status is on clients in the implementation process, as well as contact and other reporting information on these clients. Created by nick on 11/12/15. |
ClientProfileField | A client profile field is a field that a client chooses to have in their profile. It could be a travel preference, or some extra information like a cost center. |
ClientProfileFieldCategory | Group of profile subcategories that is owned by a client. |
ClientProfileFieldSubcategory | A client subcategory is a group of generally related profile fields, owned by a client. |
ClientProfileSelectValue | A client profile select value is an available option the client would like for a field. For example, if AA is in a drop down then AA would be entered here. This is specific to the client. |
ClientReporting | Describes client reporting settings |
ClientReportingCredentials | Describes client reporting settings |
ClientRiskManagement | A relationship a client may have with a risk management vendor. This relationship should represent an upload we're doing to the risk management vendor. Created by nick on 10/6/15. |
ClientServiceFee | A service fee explains the details of when a fee is posted by the TMC to the client. Created by nick on 4/16/14. |
ClientSettings | Specific settings or information that apply to an organization and their experience with Airportal. Created by nick on 11/9/15. |
ClientSource | A descriptor of the source of a client, aka where the lead came from for this client |
ClientStatus | A descriptor of the status of a client, in the progression to become a client of cbtravel/etc |
ClientTravelPolicy | Travel Policy for a client, including air, car and hotel travel settings. |
ClientTravelPolicyAction | An action that is to be performed when an out of policy action occurs. |
ClientTravelPolicyApproval | Describes the approval needed for travel, as per the clients travel policy |
ClientTravelPolicyCar | An object that explains the relation between a travel policy and the allowed car types |
ClientTravelPolicyCarType | Describes car types for car rental. Used for limiting usage as per the clients travel policy. |
ClientTravelPolicyCity | Describes exception in the hotel travel policy of a client, where the rate may be higher than normally allowed. |
ClientTravelPolicyPreference | Describes whether company or user preference takes precedence, as per the clients travel policy |
ClientTravelPolicyRemarks | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
ClientTravelPolicyServiceClass | Describes different service classes that can selected, as per the clients travel policy |
ClientTravelPolicyStops | Describes number of stops that can be set for airfare, as per the clients travel policy |
ClientTravelPolicyUdid | Udids to validate whether they exist or whether they have a certain value before allowing the PNR to be ticketed. Created by nick on 5/6/14. |
ClientTravelType | Provides names for travel types. |
ClientType | Describes types of clients for the front end, Account, Department, Team, etc |
ClientUdid | UDID stands for User Defined Field. A UDID is a text-only field in a trip that someone (a user) wants to use for advanced reporting. There can be up to 98 UDIDs in each trip, identified by their number (1-99). This object describes what we expect to be contained in each UDID. |
ClientUdidDisplay | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
Commission | Provides fee information for a client. |
ConcurAuthToken | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: nick Date: 9/12/13 Time: 4:44 PM The authentication token required to get open bookings from Concur's TripLink |
ConfirmationDetailsDTO | |
ContractAirType | A contract air type is a particular named program that is with an airline. Usually it is an SBP. Created by nick on 6/4/18. |
ContractType | Definitions for various contract types used in the travel industry. Like MSA, LRA, CVA, etc. Created by nick on 1/16/18. |
Country | Countries are nations with a centralized government that occupy a particular area. |
Credentials | Credentials to log into a 3rd party system. |
CreditCardType | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
CustomFieldTemplate | Reporting fields that should be sent with one-time use card requests so that they show up in the bank reports. Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 4/6/17 Time: 1:19 PM |
CustomLink | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
Dashboard | An object that simply represents a dashboard. |
DashboardLatLng | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 1/12/17 Time: 2:16 PM |
DashboardLocation | An element representing a location in a user's dashboard. |
DisplayApproval | The display approval is a place to store approval elements in the DisplayItinerary. This includes the buttons and messages for approval processes. Created by nick on 2/6/15. |
DisplayCode | |
DisplayHotelAttachment | A class with information to show in the hotel attachment section of an Airtinerary. Created by nick on 5/18/15. |
DisplayInvoice | An invoice is the grouping of tickets into a single transaction for recording purposes. |
DisplayItinerary | A display itinerary has all of the details in an itinerary that a traveler would want to see. This should contain specifics like notes from our system (but not from the GDS) and should have all of the parts a traveler would not care about removed. |
DisplayLink | |
DisplayName | A simple object to be used for drop-down lists and displays, where the object is an identifier and a displayed name. |
DisplayNotes | |
DisplayOption | |
DisplayPassenger | General information about the passengers going on this trip. |
DisplayProperty | |
DisplayQuote | An estimation of what a single ticket would cost. |
DisplayRate | A name value pair for breaking down rates by cost type (remember that all rates are time sensitive too!). Cost types can be like an hourly rate, or per mileage amount, etc. |
DisplaySeat | Information about a reserved seat on a travel vehicle. |
DisplaySegment | |
DisplayStopOver | Information about a stopping point in a travel segment. |
DisplayTicket | Information about the tickets associated with the trip. |
DomoCar | The details of car segments, given in a flat format for Domo. Created by nick on 3/27/17. |
DomoCityPairs | Trip summaries with only the basic information. Created by nick on 3/27/17. |
DomoDataSet | Created by susan on 4/12/18. |
DomoGroup | Created by susan on 4/6/18. |
DomoHotel | Hotel data, given in a flat format for Domo. Created by nick on 3/27/17. |
DomoPolicy | Created by susan on 4/12/18. |
DomoTrip | Air segment details, given in a flat format form for Domo. Created by nick on 3/27/17. |
DomoUnusedTicket | Unused ticket information, given in a flat file format for Domo. Created by nick on 3/27/17. |
DomoUser | Created by susan on 4/4/18. |
DropdownPojo | A simple pojo for returning key value dropdown pairs. |
EmailCC | An email address that should be included on all airtineraries/emails if one is sent to this client or user. |
EmailDesign | An object that defines the content of a marketing email. |
EmailTemplate | An object that defines the content of a marketing email. |
EmployeeDirectoryProfile | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: jeremiahs Date: 1/27/15 Time: 9:39 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
EmployeeInfo | An object describing this user as an employee. |
EmployeeType | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
ErrorCode | An object that holds standardized error messages (in English). |
ErrorReport | An object representing an error thrown during a scheduled process. |
ExchangeRate | Exchange rates are the rates of exchange in comparison to the USD. |
ExpandedProactiveTimeActivity | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 10/9/14 Time: 1:05 PM |
ExternalEmailContent | |
Faq | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
FaqCategory | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
FaxDocument | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: kstauffe Date: 9/24/13 Time: 3:25 PM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
FaxError | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
FaxQueue | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: kstauffe Date: 9/20/13 Time: 11:04 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
FaxStatus | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
FeeJustification | A fee justification / reason code is a code that explains why a service fee was changed / different from the normal amount. Created by nick on 9/17/15. |
Feedback | An object to store feedback information given by users. |
FeedbackAnswer | Created by jeremiah on 3/22/17. |
FeedbackAnswerLabel | Created by jeremiah on 3/22/17. |
FeedbackQuestion | Created by jeremiah on 3/22/17. |
FeedbackStatus | Created by jeremiah on 4/4/17. |
Fees | Provides fee information for a client. |
FileInfo | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
FilterItem | |
FlatTravelRequest | Created by jeremiah on 1/11/18. |
FlatTravelRequestContact | Created by jeremiah on 1/11/18. |
FlatTravelRequestPassenger | Created by jeremiah on 1/11/18. |
FlatTravelRequestSegment | Created by jeremiah on 1/11/18. |
FlatTravelRequestUdid | Created by jeremiah on 1/11/18. |
FlightDelay | A flight delay is a record of departures that are happening at an airport behind schedule. It is calculated from the Airport's recent history of flight departures. |
GdacsAlert | An alert from GDACS describing a natural disaster. Created by nick on 10/21/14. |
GdsScript | |
GdsScriptGrid | Generic grid data structure.
The data structure is mostly adapted to the jQgrid json format, but it can be adapted to
any reasonable grid library, with a little effort.
The optimal way to handle this would be with generics, just passing in the domain object name into an |
GdsScriptPojo | |
GlobalDistributionSystem | The global distribution system object represents a GDS. A GDS is a database system that agents use as a way to organize reservations with travel providers (airlines, specifically). |
Grid | Generic grid data structure.
The data structure is mostly adapted to the jQgrid json format, but it can be adapted to
any reasonable grid library, with a little effort.
The optimal way to handle this would be with generics, just passing in the domain object name into an |
Group | An object that defines the groups that user's can be in. Groups are described by being members of roles. |
GroupRequestTraveler | A traveler that intends to go on a trip that is requested by the request system. |
GroupRequestTravelerLoyaltyProgram | A traveler's discount program that they hold with an airline. Should be one per airline. |
GroupRequestTravelerPassport | A passport for a traveler that is intending to travel in a group trip. Should be one per country they are citizens in. |
GroupTraveler | An object that defines the group traveler travelling. |
GroupTravelerLoyaltyProgram | |
GroupTravelerPassport | |
GroupTravelerType | A traveler can be of a certain type. They come in all shapes and sizes. Some good, some bad. In this case, it is more likely Athletes or Coaches, which indicate their leadership levels. |
HRFeed | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: drmckenna Date: 9/5/14 Time: 2:09 PM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
HardSavingsPieChart | Class representing the data for the hard savings pie ValueLogic chart |
History | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
HotelAgentNote | A note to be added to segments depending upon certain distinguishing features of the segment. User: nick Date: 2/7/14 Time: 3:26 PM |
HotelAttachmentQueue | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: jeremiahs Date: 5/29/15 Time: 10:06 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
HotelAttachmentRecord | Created by jeremiah on 2/22/16. Pojo for the hotel attachment dashboard's data table. |
HotelAttachmentSummary | Created by jeremiah on 2/22/16. |
HotelChainClientContract | A contract held with a client that is particular to a full hotel chain as opposed to a single property. User: nick Date: 3/11/14 Time: 3:12 PM |
HotelClientContract | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: nick Date: 11/22/13 Time: 9:37 AM Hotel contracts relate the clients to the hotel that they have agreed with on special deals or privileges. |
HotelFamily | A hotel family is a corporate entity that owns many hotel chains. They will often share rate plans amongst all their chains. User: nick Date: 3/11/14 Time: 2:25 PM |
HotelJustification | Different codes that represent the justification of why a hotel was not booked or why the preferred hotel was not chosen. Created by nick on 5/22/15. |
HotelLocation | A hotel location represents a hotel property that a traveler stays in during their trip. |
HotelLocationCode | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: nick Date: 10/18/13 Time: 9:32 AM A linking object between hotel and GDS. This allows for us to track specifics on hotels across GDSes. |
HotelRequest | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: jeremiahs Date: 7/1/15 Time: 11:02 AM Simple Pojo for building hotel stay requests on a travel request. |
HotelSegment | A hotel segment is a period of time that a traveler stays in a hotel. |
HotelSegmentSpend | Specific booking information for hotel segment spending. Created by jeremiah on 9/21/16. |
HotelVendor | An element that represents vendors for hotel segments. |
HplBillingAccount | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 4/16/14 Time: 10:15 AM |
HplBillingTransaction | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 12/10/13 Time: 4:20 PM |
HplDocument | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 11/21/13 Time: 10:30 AM |
HplEmail | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: kstauffe Date: 9/24/13 Time: 10:49 AM A destination to send fax confirmations to. This could be teams, specific emails, or wild cards like 'agent' |
HplLog | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: kstauffe Date: 9/20/13 Time: 9:11 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
HplQueueGrid | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 10/15/14 Time: 11:37 AM |
HplSettings | HPL Settings stores the configuration for how Airportal should create payment remittances for hotel services. User: Kurt Stauffer Date: 9/24/13 Time: 9:45 AM |
HplValidationResponse | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 3/4/16 Time: 1:55 PM |
HttpSimpleResponse | |
HubspotDeleteList | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
ImportAnalytic | An analytic record recording the progress of a PNR being loaded (or previously loaded) into Airportal. |
ImportErrorReport | An object representing an error thrown during a scheduled process. |
IncompleteProfileGrid | Created by susan on 7/5/18. |
Industry | A simple identifying object for listing out generic industry types in the business world. Created by nick on 12/5/17. |
InternalNews | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
Invoice | An invoice represents a transaction of booking. So if a traveler pays for his whole itinerary on one credit card at the same time, he'll have one invoice. |
Itinerary | An object that describes a trip as a summary. |
ItinerarySavingsDetail | The individual parts that make up itinerary savings summary totals. We translate these from the UDIDs on incoming invoices, which are mapped to the ValueLogicUdid class |
ItinerarySavingsSummary | The calculated totals from all the details records that belong to the summary record. |
ItinerarySpendGoals | A list of goals for a given user for travel spending. This represents a single month of goals, the user may have many months of goals. |
ItineraryStatus | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
JAXBDouble | |
JAXBGrid | |
JAXBHashMap | |
JAXBHashMapEntry | |
JAXBListOfLong | A simple list wrapper to wrap objects in. You can send this one over JAXB. |
JAXBListOfString | A simple list wrapper to wrap objects in. You can send this one over JAXB. |
JiraIssue | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
JiraProjectInfo | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
JiraVersion | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
LightWeightAdvisor | Created by jeremiah on 11/16/16. |
LinkedUdid | |
LogEntry | A log entry is a type of object that we use to track changes to critical objects. Created by nick on 5/24/18. |
LoginAttempts | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
ManagedWidget | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 3/22/16 Time: 12:00 PM |
MapWrapper | |
MarketingEmailContent | An object that defines the content of a marketing email. |
MarketingEmailStatus | An object that defines an analytic element for a marketing email message. |
MarketingEmailType | An object that defines a marketing email type. |
MaskedCreditCard | Web safe bean for providing information about a CreditCard object Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 10/24/13 Time: 3:26 PM Modified By: Susan Grey Modified On: 11/21/2017 Added a new field Issuing Bank. |
MaskedGroupLoyaltyProgram | |
MaskedGroupPassport | |
MaskedGroupRequest | |
MaskedGroupTraveler | |
Meal | An element that represents meal codes for airportal. |
MidofficeAgentDetail | An object crafted specifically for getting agent details for a midoffice ticketing system. Created by nick on 7/2/15. |
MidofficeAgentQueue | Queues specific to agents. These should match with codes that the midoffice can reference. Created by nick on 7/2/15. |
MidofficeClientContract | A message to communicate vendor contract relationships with a midoffice system. Created by nick on 7/2/15. |
MidofficeClientUdid | A message to a midoffice system with udid details for an account. Created by nick on 7/2/15. |
MidofficeDivision | A message that can be used to transfer division (client) details to the midoffice. Created by nick on 3/10/16. |
MidofficeErrorReport | A report record defining the state of a PNR in the midoffice. Created by nick on 7/19/17. |
MidofficeFormOfPayment | All the information that a midoffice would need to bill travel payments. Created by nick on 7/2/15. |
MidofficeOfficeDetail | Information about a particular PCC/SID that a midoffice system should know about. Created by nick on 4/11/18. |
MidofficeServiceFee | A message to communicate what service fee to apply to a PNR. Created by nick on 7/7/15. |
MidofficeUnusedTicket | An unused ticket with only information useful to a midoffice system. Created by nick on 7/2/15. |
MiscSegmentSpend | Specific segment booking information for miscellaneous travel types Created by jeremiah on 9/21/16. |
MonthlyBreakdownGraph | A month to month representation for valuelogic savings |
MonthlyBreakdownSeries | |
MonthlySummary | Cache of calculated client information. These are built and rebuilt periodically for fast retrieval of savings data. |
NewSalesClientRequest | A request to create a new client with only the parameters that sales associates should be aware of. Created by nick on 6/27/17. |
Notification | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
NotificationCheckin | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 4/25/14 Time: 11:34 AM |
NotificationMethod | Notification methods describe the different methods available that a user can be notified by. |
NotificationStatus | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
ObeSyncLog | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
OfficeAppLink | Links that should appear at the top of the app for clients of this office. |
OfficeBannerAd | A banner ad for an office to show on it's traveler's airtineraries and promo pages. |
OfficeInfo | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
OfficeItinerarySetting | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
OfficeProfileSettings | An object that represents special custom settings an office. |
OfficeTravelPolicy | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: nick Date: 10/1/13 Time: 2:54 PM A description of the policy for the PCC. This will hold rules that the office requires its agents to follow for booking PNRs. |
OnlineBookingEngine | An online booking engine is a web accessible tool that travelers can book travel with. They usually include an application that can search for flights, car rental places, etc. |
OnlineSupportOffice | The contact information for the online support desk that will show up on the travel contacts page. |
OrderByField | Tracks a single order by property for sorting results of a hibernate search |
PassengerInformation | An element that represents information about passengers who have itineraries. |
Payment | A payment made in response to a fare charge. |
PaymentForm | The Payment Form is the table for the client's form of payment. including billing address. created by Jeremiah May 28, 2015 Modified By: Susan Grey Modified On: 11/21/2017 Added a new field Issuing Bank. |
PerDiemReimbursementRate | A per diem reimbursement rate is the amount that the federal government is willing to reimburse government travelers for their travel. It is broken out by area and time, because rates go up and down for each area and different areas may cost more (or less). Created by nick on 4/18/16. |
Permission | An object describing a possible authorization. Role names should match rules hard coded into the security context. |
PlannerGroupGrid | Generic grid data structure.
The data structure is mostly adapted to the jQgrid json format, but it can be adapted to
any reasonable grid library, with a little effort.
The optimal way to handle this would be with generics, just passing in the domain object name into an |
PlannerGroupPojo | |
ProactiveTime | Describes an entry in proactive time management |
ProactiveTimeActivity | Describes an activity for proactive time management |
ProactiveTimeCategory | Describes a category of activities for proactive time management |
ProactiveTimeDisplay | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 6/23/16 Time: 2:04 PM |
ProactiveTimeGoals | Describes an entry in proactive time management |
Profile | User profile pojo |
ProfileAddressType | An address type identifies the address type that a field is grouped under HOME, WORK, etc |
ProfileAirNumber | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
ProfileCarNumber | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
ProfileCreditCard | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
ProfileCustom | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
ProfileData | Pojo to transport profile data in its most basic form |
ProfileEditTemplate | |
ProfileField | An Profile field is a mapped property for the profile logic system. Each field is mapped by a code which we then use to translate into OBE profiles. The data stored for each field is universal though. We store the same data formats for concur as we do for resx. We only translate the data when we push to external systems. |
ProfileFieldGroup | A profile field group gives identities to groups of fields. For instance, a group of fields may need to be processed as a credit card, or a passport. Field groups give them this identity when we send them to external systems. |
ProfileFieldVisibility | Used to tie visibility group access to a single profile field DO NOT USE. UP FOR DEPRECATION. |
ProfileGroupPojo | For transferring critical information about profile value groups. Mainly used for filling in values of profile forms with minimal payload. |
ProfileHotelNumber | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
ProfileImportAnalytic | Analytic that records that status of profile imports from external sources |
ProfileImportError | An object representing an error thrown during a scheduled process. |
ProfileInputType | An OBE input type is a descriptor of a type of property for an OBE. For instance, it describes that a name field/property is an alphanumeric. We use this object to describe to the UI how to render a property to the user for editing. |
ProfileUploadAnalytic | Analytic for tracking the status of profile uploads. |
ProfileUploadError | An object representing an error thrown during a scheduled process. |
ProfileUploadPojo | Wrapper class for List of ProfileValueGroup and ProfileUploadAnalytic |
ProfileUrl | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
ProfileUser | Domain object for the profile_user table from the inside schema. |
ProfileValue | DO NOT USE. UP FOR DEPRECATION Combines encrypted and unencrypted profiles |
ProfileValueEncrypted | A profile value is the value that a user has entered to be submitted into their profile in the GDS or OBE. You can think of the client profile fields as questions and that the profile value is the answer to that question. |
ProfileValueGroup | A profile value group binds a collection of profile values. These groups define relationships between multiple profile values. For instance, a group of fields can be processed together when we send them to an OBE or GDS. So when we send process field groups we can identify them as a credit card or passport, etc. This all extends from the idea that all profiles fields only know what they are as individual values, but the profile value group lets us give them an cohesive identity. |
ProfileValuePojo | |
ProfileValueUnencrypted | A profile value is the value that a user has entered to be submitted into their profile in the GDS or OBE. You can think of the client profile fields as questions and that the profile value is the answer to that question. This version does not encrypt the data in an effort to maximize use of database space. |
Queue | A queue is a place in the GDS that PNRs are put for later processing. |
QueueAgentSortSetting | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: nick Date: 9/18/13 Time: 1:27 PM Adds an exclusion to agent sorting that allows a PNR to be redirected to a different agent based on provided criteria. |
QueueErrorReport | An object representing an error thrown during a scheduled process. |
QueueSortSetting | A queue sort setting is a definition of traits that a PNR must have to be sent to another queue. |
QueueType | An object that identifies different meanings to queues. For instance, you can label a queue for ticket rejection messages. Created by nick on 5/6/15. |
QueueTypeOfficeDefault | An object to help determine what the agent's queues should look like if they are not set up at the agent level. Created by nick on 5/6/15. |
QuickLink | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
RailSegmentSpend | Specific booking data for rail travel segments. Created by jeremiah on 9/21/16. |
RecentCountry | An object to represent the number of travelers in a given country. |
RecentSegment | An object describing a segment that a passenger has been in recently. Because of the fact that mySQL does not support views with variables or subqueries, this object cannot be live. |
Region | Regions are localized states/provinces/municipalities within a country. |
RequeueDetails | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 10/17/14 Time: 9:38 AM |
Reservation | A reservation is a ticket or receipt made for a trip. This also includes service or penalty fees, but not car and hotel reservations because those are not charged at the time of reservation. |
ReservationStatus | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
ReservationTax | A tax is the amount due to a regulatory body whenever an exchange of funds is made or a service rendered. |
ReservationType | ReservationType is the type of reservation. Like Air, Car, Hotel, etc. |
RiskManagementVendor | A risk management vendor is a vendor that helps clients manage emergencies while travelers are on the road. These are also referred to as SOSes. Created by nick on 10/6/15. |
Role | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
SSOProtocol | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
SafetyCheckDisplay | |
SamlConfig | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
SavingsType | The type of savings that the invoiceSavingsSummary is classified as. |
SearchList | A search list is used as a dynamic query building object. It is based on a tree structure, of siblings as ORs and children as ANDs. |
SearchProperty | |
Seat | A seat reserved on a plane for a traveler. |
SeatStatus | Seat statuses are the status of a seat reservation. Like if it is reserved or on hold. |
SegmentStatus | A segment status is the reservation status of the segment. Like if it is confirmed or on wait list. |
SertifiCard | |
SertifiCompany | |
SertifiContact | |
SertifiOtherField | |
SertifiPaymentMethodAccessData | |
SertifiTraveler | |
SertifyTransaction | |
ServiceFeeAccrualFrequency | The rate at which the accrual happens for fees. Created by nick on 4/16/14. |
ServiceFeeActivity | A unit of work that induces a fee. Like issuing a ticket. Created by nick on 4/16/14. |
ServiceFeeLaborer | A person or system that does a unit of work. Created by nick on 4/16/14. |
ServiceFeePayFrequency | The rate at which the client agrees to pay the accrued amount. Created by nick on 4/16/14. |
ServiceFeePayType | The payment type that the client agrees to use. Like cash or credit card. Created by nick on 4/16/14. |
ServiceFeeProduct | A product from a unit of work that induces a service fee. Created by nick on 4/16/14. |
SimpleAdvisor | Simple advisor is a simplified version of the advisor profile. |
SimpleAgent | A simple object containing agent information. Created by nick on 11/29/16. |
SimpleAgentTeam | |
SimpleAirLegOption | A leg in a trip is a consecutive number of flights that happen consecutively with a defined origin and destination city. A leg can be made of one or many flights. Created by nick on 8/10/16. |
SimpleAirSeat | Created by nick on 8/24/16. |
SimpleAirSegment | Created by nick on 8/24/16. |
SimpleAirStopOver | Created by nick on 8/24/16. |
SimpleAirTripOption | A simple trip option that explains an available flight. Created by nick on 7/28/16. |
SimpleAirselectAnalytic | A simplified version of the Airselect analytic object. Primarily for over-the-wire communication. Created by nick on 11/29/16. |
SimpleCarSegment | Created by nick on 8/24/16. |
SimpleClientContact | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: nick Date: 10/15/13 Time: 11:31 AM A collection of all the different phone numbers that a client can call. |
SimpleClientContactInfo | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: jeremiahs Date: 8/18/14 Time: 3:38 PM contains the basic contact info for a client |
SimpleClientContract | Provides vendor contract info for a client. |
SimpleClientHeader | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: jeremiahs Date: 8/18/14 Time: 3:22 PM This object is used on the admin tools as the header containing the clients contact info. |
SimpleClientManager | Created by jeremiah on 1/15/15. |
SimpleConstraintDescriptor | An object that describes a constraint on a property. This should be used for simple comparative validation when you don't want to hit the server to check for empty strings, etc. |
SimpleConsultantProfile | Created by jeremiah on 4/6/18. |
SimpleFeedback | Created by jeremiah on 3/9/17. |
SimpleFlightOption | A flight, or leg of a flight from one airport to another. Created by nick on 7/28/16. |
SimpleHotelSegment | Created by nick on 8/24/16. |
SimpleImport | Simplified itinerary import object |
SimpleInvoice | Created by nick on 8/24/16. |
SimpleItinerary | An itinerary capable of being sent with all information that is XML/JSON compatible. This will be used to talk specifics with outside systems on creating/viewing itineraries. Created by nick on 8/24/16. |
SimpleItinerarySavings | Simple pojo that can be used to pass only the basic data for valuelogic. Created by nick on 12/30/14. |
SimplePassenger | A simplified version of the passenger object that can be passed around for summaries of itineraries. |
SimplePassengerInfo | Created by nick on 8/24/16. |
SimpleRoleSummary | A simple user used only for recording account purposes. This will have more information than is typically needed. Created by nick on 2/17/17. |
SimpleTicket | Created by nick on 8/24/16. |
SimpleTrainSegment | Created by nick on 8/24/16. |
SimpleTravelProfile | A simple travel profile that can be used to update basic travel profile fields. This is for rapid development and all fields here should be available in most (if not all) clients. If more profile fields are required, then updating the profile value groups is the best idea. Created by nick on 9/15/16. |
SimpleTravelSegment | Created by nick on 8/24/16. |
SimpleTravelSpendSummary | Created by jeremiah on 5/26/16. Summary data for itinerary spend data. Transactions and Amounts. |
SimpleUser | |
SimpleViolation | An object that describes violations in constraints. |
SmallClient | A small client for the org chart. |
SmallTravelerPojo | |
StatusResponse | A generic status response to use as a response when other datatypes may feel inappropriate. As in deletion endpoints, where all you need is a success status. Created by nick on 11/22/17. |
StopOver | A stop over is an airport & time that a flight will stop at to refuel during the flight. |
SubCategory | An object that defines the help desk ticket status. |
SyncInfo | Root Class for defining a sync event |
Ticket | An Airbank ticket is a voucher that represents value left over from an airline ticket. This value can be traded at value for services with the airline the original ticket was marketed from. |
TicketInfo | An object that defines the help desk ticket information. |
TicketingAnalytic | An analytic that tracks each ticket / approval attempt. Created by nick on 6/3/14. |
TicketingAnalyticMessage | Messages and errors that approval and ticketing record while attempting to finalize an itinerary. Created by nick on 1/22/15. |
TicketingAnalyticReviewer | A user that the approval/review message/email was sent to and any corresponding tracking data. Created by nick on 1/27/15. |
TicketingHistory | A history of ticketing approvals. Created by nick on 5/19/15. |
TicketingSummary | A ticketing summary is a summary of a ticketing analytic. Created by nick on 1/22/15. |
TimeZone | The time zones around the world. Created by nick on 7/2/14. |
TmcBannerAd | A banner ad that a TMC sets to show to it's travelers on Airtineraries and promo pages. |
TmcItinerarySetting | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
TmcSettings | Settings of the TMC that should be applied to all accounts serviced by that TMC. Created by nick on 11/10/15. |
TrainStation | An element representing Train station codes in Airportal. |
TrainVendor | An element that represents vendors for train segments. |
Transaction | An airbank transaction is a record of a mutation that happened to an air reservation's ticket. Like if it was marked unused, etc. |
TransactionInfo | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
TravelAlert | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
TravelAlertDestination | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
TravelAlertSeverity | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: kstauffe Date: 8/30/13 Time: 2:15 PM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
TravelAlertType | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
TravelGroup | An object that tracks the travel groups for a client. |
TravelGroupRequest | A request for a group trip, where multiple travelers want to travel using a special one-time contract |
TravelGroupRequestAttachmentUrl | The location of a file that describes an agreement between two entities for a request. Typically used for contracts. |
TravelGroupRequestDeparture | A departure is the location that a traveler will be leaving from. |
TravelGroupRequestDestination | A destination that a group trip requests to travel to. |
TravelGroupRequestGround | A ground segment that the travelers wish to endure. Like a car ride. |
TravelGroupRequestGroundUrl | A link to a file that will have relevance to a trip on the ground. Like a confirmation email from a rental agency. |
TravelGroupRequestHotel | A hotel night stay that the travelers of the request wish to attend. |
TravelGroupRequestStatus | The status of a group travel request. This identifies where they are in the process. |
TravelHistoryLatLng | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 1/12/17 Time: 2:16 PM |
TravelManagementCompany | A TMC (Travel Management Company) is a large corporation that manages trips for other companies/groups/entities. A TMC typically has many offices, giving them a corporate status. Created by nick on 11/9/15. |
TravelOption | An element that represents travel options for travel segments. |
TravelOptionType | A travel option type is the description for the codes retrieved describing the various entries on travel segments. |
TravelPolicy | The travel policy for a client/division/group. This should define when the specific rules should be applied as well as common terminology that should be applied on rules. If you see references to LLF or Lowest Logical Fare, what that means is that property is restricting the possibilities for searching for the lowest logical fare. Created by nick on 1/27/15. |
TravelPolicyAction | A travel policy action is the action that must be taken when a trip violates the organization's travel policy. Created by nick on 3/29/16. |
TravelPolicyDisplay | A travel policy display is a short summary of what the agent should pay attention to for the account"s travel policy. An account"s travel policy should be the result of a list of these texts. If none of these are created, the travel policy will automatically build bulletpoints from the actual travel policy record. Created by nick on 2/17/17. |
TravelPolicyOperator | An operator that could be used in a travel policy. Created by nick on 2/2/15. |
TravelPolicyQueue | A list of queues that the client/office would like itineraries to be queued to after ticketing. Created by nick on 6/2/14. |
TravelPolicyRefundableOption | The travel policy refundability options are to help explain what refundability the client prefers when determining the lowest logical fare. Created by nick on 1/28/16. |
TravelPolicyReviewer | A reviewer is the responsible person that must take action for a travel policy. Like an approver or an agent. Created by nick on 3/29/16. |
TravelPolicyRule | The travel policy rule. A rule is part of a rule class that defines one of the guards. Each rule will validate one property on a PNR. Chain them together to validate multiple properties of a PNR. Created by nick on 1/29/15. |
TravelPolicyRuleClass | One rule class creates one violation each. This is where the message for the violation is stored. Created by nick on 1/29/15. |
TravelPolicyRuleType | The travel policy rule type defines what properties the rule evaluates when checking against the value/operator/unit of the itinerary. Created by nick on 1/29/15. |
TravelPolicySummary | Free form user created summary of a policy. Created by jeremiah on 7/10/17. |
TravelPolicyUnit | A travel policy unit is a unit of measurement that could be used in a policy rule. Created by nick on 2/2/15. |
TravelRequest | |
TravelSegment | An element that represents travel segments of itineraries. |
TravelSegmentRemark | An element that represents remarks for Hotel segments. |
TravelSpendSummaryPojo | |
TravelVendor | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: nick Date: 10/18/13 Time: 3:41 PM A travel vendor is a vendor that is from a TUR segment or other type of travel. We use these to determine pretty names for segments and to help determine the types of tickets. |
TravelerGrid | Generic grid data structure.
The data structure is mostly adapted to the jQgrid json format, but it can be adapted to
any reasonable grid library, with a little effort.
The optimal way to handle this would be with generics, just passing in the domain object name into an |
TripitAnalytic | Tripit analytics are for tracking the uploads and deletes using Tripit's webservice API. |
TripitErrorReport | An object representing an error thrown during a scheduled process. |
UdidEditDetail | The details on the available options per each udid. Created by nick on 9/15/15. |
UdidInfo | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
UdidReportCode | Udid Report Codes are codes used in Airportal that define what column a particular UDID should be labeled under when reporting through Airportal services. User: nick Date: 11/11/13 Time: 10:37 AM |
UnclaimedCommission | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
User | An element representing a user for AirPortal. |
UserCurrentClient | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
UserRequest | A record of applications / requests made by people to have airportal logins created for them. Created by jameson on 7/16/14. |
UserToWt0Task | Author: Susan Grey Date: 11/2/17 Time: 4:35 PM |
Username | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
ValueLogicAgentReport | |
ValuelogicUdidInfo | A UDID is a record in the GDS that defines a custom information field. This class is mapped in the database to a specific number that corresponds to hard coded values in our GDS scripts. When we import an itinerary, we scan through the invoice for UDID strings, and parse them out. Then we match them up to the UDID information that is stored here to determine what type of savings we are dealing with. |
ValuelogicUdidNumber | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
ValuelogicUdidService | A specific type of savings entered by the user, we use these to categorize all the invoice savings records that come into the system. A service belongs to a specific UDID, each valuelogic UDID string has a code attached to it. When we parse the UDID string we get the UDID number and code, which matched it up to a specific service. |
VasrSavingsInfo | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
VendorContact | Created by aturcsanski on 9/20/16. |
VirtualPayContact | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
VirtualPaymentCredentials | An object to store bank credentials for generating one-time use cards for accounts. User: Kurt Stauffer Date: 3/3/17 Time: 8:09 AM |
VirtualPaymentServiceType | User: Kurt Stauffer Date: 3/3/17 Time: 8:06 AM |
VisaType | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
VoidLog | A void log is a record of a ticket that has been voided. Accounting uses these to track void activity and report them to proper authorities (like ARC). |
WeatherForecast | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
Widget | An object that represents a widget and it's properties. |
WidgetDashboard | An element representing which dashboards a widget may belong to. |
WidgetDashboardAbstract | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 3/23/16 Time: 2:41 PM |
Wt0Task | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 4/26/16 Time: 8:26 AM |
Wt0TaskCount | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 4/19/16 Time: 8:45 AM |
Wt0TaskDetails | Author: Susan Grey Date: 11/3/17 Time: 2:59 AM |
Wt0TaskPojo | A simple wrapper of a key value wt0 task updates. |
type | description |
baseEntity | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
baseHibernateEntity | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
displayProperty | |
grid | Generic grid data structure.
The data structure is mostly adapted to the jQgrid json format, but it can be adapted to
any reasonable grid library, with a little effort.
The optimal way to handle this would be with generics, just passing in the domain object name into an |
gridConfig | Contains specific information about the grid that can be passed between page loads. |
httpSimpleResponse | |
orderByField | Tracks a single order by property for sorting results of a hibernate search |
searchList | A search list is used as a dynamic query building object. It is based on a tree structure, of siblings as ORs and children as ANDs. |
searchProperty | |
statusResponse | A generic status response to use as a response when other datatypes may feel inappropriate. As in deletion endpoints, where all you need is a success status. Created by nick on 11/22/17. |
agentVasrInfo | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
transactionInfo | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
udidInfo | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
vasrSavingsInfo | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
history | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
obeSyncLog | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
reason | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
ticket | An Airbank ticket is a voucher that represents value left over from an airline ticket. This value can be traded at value for services with the airline the original ticket was marketed from. |
transaction | An airbank transaction is a record of a mutation that happened to an air reservation's ticket. Like if it was marked unused, etc. |
accountingSystem | An identifier table that tracks the types of accounting systems. I.E. Trams or Agresso. Created by nick on 5/29/14. |
agentCommission | A transaction for a single commission. There should be many of these to one statement. |
agentCommissionStatement | An entry statement of commissions that an agent has been paid (or is expected to be paid). Created by nick on 3/18/16. |
agentCommissionStatementNote | Notes that agents can use to comment on commissions they are expecting to receive. Notes can be added to commissions themselves, or particular statements (the transactional ins & outs of the system). Created by jeremiah on 9/6/16. |
agentCommissionStatementStatus | An object that helps define the current status of a commission. Created by nick on 3/18/16. |
agentItinerarySetting | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
agentNote | A class representing extra information that should be added to airtineraries, and the conditions on when they should be sent. |
airAgentNote | A note to be added to segments depending upon certain distinguishing features of the segment. User: nick Date: 2/7/14 Time: 3:26 PM |
airClientContract | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: nick Date: 11/22/13 Time: 9:26 AM Air client contracts store contract/business information that clients agree upon with a specific vendor. |
airClientContractFileLink | File URLs that contain contracts for airlines. Created by nick on 1/17/18. |
airJustification | A description of different codes that can be used to determine justification for not getting the lowest airfare. Created by nick on 5/22/15. |
airPortalAlert | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 5/16/16 Time: 9:52 AM |
airPortalAlertDismissed | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 5/17/16 Time: 8:30 AM |
airPortalAlertSeverity | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 5/16/16 Time: 11:54 AM |
airSegment | An element that represents a segment of air travel in an itinerary. |
airVendor | An element representing air vendors for Airportal. |
airVendorAlliance | An air alliance is a relationship between airlines that share business deals with each other. |
airVendorCommissionContract | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
airVendorCommissionLink | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
aircraftType | An element that gives names for aircraft types. |
airportalClientContract | An abstract class to help make important fields across different contract types more visible. User: nick Date: 2/17/14 Time: 12:09 PM |
airportalNote | Generic remark object so that common functions can be shared among similar objects. User: nick Date: 2/11/14 Time: 3:49 PM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
airportalSegment | An abstract segment class that we can use to order our segment objects by. |
airportalVendor | An abstract class to help make vendor information more visible. Created by nick on 2/19/15. |
airselectAnalytic | An analytic object for tracking airselect results and email statuses. Created by nick on 11/29/16. |
airselectAnalyticCC | An analytic storing various CC'd emails for airselects. Created by nick on 11/29/16. |
airselectErrorReport | An analytic used to store various errors that may happen during an airselect delivery. Created by nick on 11/29/16. |
airtineraryAnalytic | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
airtineraryAnalyticCC | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
analyticStatus | An object representing the status of an itinerary currently scheduled in a process. |
carAgentNote | A note to be added to segments depending upon certain distinguishing features of the segment. User: nick Date: 2/7/14 Time: 3:26 PM |
carClass | A car class is the general class of the vehicle requested. Like Economy or Gas-Guzzler. |
carClientContract | A car client contract is a contract held between the account and the rental agency. Typically identified by a corporate discount number or a billing id. Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: nick Date: 11/22/13 Time: 9:59 AM Car contracts are the relation between a client and a car rental agency for special rates and privileges. |
carClientContractFileLink | File URLs that contain contracts for car rentals. Created by nick on 7/03/18. |
carEquipment | Car equipment requested. Like Car Seats or Swim Flippers. |
carFeature | Car features are a letter that defines extra feature types on a vehicle. Like Air Conditioning, etc. Created by nick on 10/7/14. |
carJustification | Different codes that represent the justification of why the preferred rental agency was not chosen or why no car was rented at all. Created by nick on 5/22/15. |
carLocation | An element that represents car location of car segments. |
carRateCode | A car rate code is the time interval of when the rate amount should be charged. |
carSegment | An element that represents car segments of itineraries. |
carTransmission | The type of transmission that was rented. Like Automatic or Manual 4WD. |
carTypeCode | A car type is a descriptor of the type of vehicle rented. Like if its a car or truck. |
carVendor | An element that represents vendors for car segments. |
city | An element representing City codes in Airportal. |
classOfService | The class code is the code that represents the type of seating in the ticket. Like first class or coach. |
classOfServiceLevel | Describes different levels of class of service. This is good for defining levels of service without specifying every vendor. Created by nick on 2/26/15. |
client | A client is a group of people represented in an organization, corporation, or just a 'travel group.' These groups of people are enlisted in Airportal so that they can book travel with a TMC. |
clientAgentRequestSettings | |
clientAirAvailabilitySetting | Client air availability settings are various settings per the account that determine the formats retrieved for air availability searches. Created by nick on 3/23/17. |
clientAttachment | Represents a note about a client, with text and optionally an attachment. |
clientBillingOptions | Provides contact information for a client. Also should match gds information for this client. |
clientChildrenComposite | An object that explains the relationship between a parent account and departments that are within that account. |
clientContact | Provides contact information for a client. Also should match gds information for this client. |
clientContactInfo | Provides contact information for a client. Also should match gds information for this client. |
clientContract | Provides vendor contract info for a client. |
clientCustomAgencyContacts | Controls for the contacts page on Airportal, in case the client needs something different than it's travel agency's office and agents. |
clientCustomAgencyNumber | A name/value pair that can be used to display other non-standard numbers on the contacts page. |
clientFeeContract | An agreement between the TMC and client that explains when debts are accrued by the client to the TMC. Created by nick on 4/16/14. |
clientFlatFee | A flat fee is a misc fee that will be charged to the client. Created by nick on 7/21/14. |
clientItinerarySetting | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
clientLocation | A simple location with address, used as a booking location by a client |
clientLogEntry | An entry for the client log, detailing the change of a particular field that is related to a client. |
clientManager | An object that explains the relation a manager or planner has to a client or group of travelers. |
clientMember | An object defining a traveler's relationship to a client or travel group. |
clientNote | Represents a note about a client, with text and optionally an attachment. |
clientNoteCategory | A client note category is a list of categories that notes can be organized into. They tend to match the names of client administrative pages available on the Airportal site. Created by nick on 3/13/17. |
clientProfileField | A client profile field is a field that a client chooses to have in their profile. It could be a travel preference, or some extra information like a cost center. |
clientProfileFieldCategory | Group of profile subcategories that is owned by a client. |
clientProfileFieldSubcategory | A client subcategory is a group of generally related profile fields, owned by a client. |
clientProfileSelectValue | A client profile select value is an available option the client would like for a field. For example, if AA is in a drop down then AA would be entered here. This is specific to the client. |
clientReporting | Describes client reporting settings |
clientReportingCredentials | Describes client reporting settings |
clientRiskManagement | A relationship a client may have with a risk management vendor. This relationship should represent an upload we're doing to the risk management vendor. Created by nick on 10/6/15. |
clientServiceFee | A service fee explains the details of when a fee is posted by the TMC to the client. Created by nick on 4/16/14. |
clientSettings | Specific settings or information that apply to an organization and their experience with Airportal. Created by nick on 11/9/15. |
clientSource | A descriptor of the source of a client, aka where the lead came from for this client |
clientStatus | A descriptor of the status of a client, in the progression to become a client of cbtravel/etc |
clientTravelPolicy | Travel Policy for a client, including air, car and hotel travel settings. |
clientTravelPolicyAction | An action that is to be performed when an out of policy action occurs. |
clientTravelPolicyApproval | Describes the approval needed for travel, as per the clients travel policy |
clientTravelPolicyCar | An object that explains the relation between a travel policy and the allowed car types |
clientTravelPolicyCarType | Describes car types for car rental. Used for limiting usage as per the clients travel policy. |
clientTravelPolicyCity | Describes exception in the hotel travel policy of a client, where the rate may be higher than normally allowed. |
clientTravelPolicyPreference | Describes whether company or user preference takes precedence, as per the clients travel policy |
clientTravelPolicyRemarks | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
clientTravelPolicyServiceClass | Describes different service classes that can selected, as per the clients travel policy |
clientTravelPolicyStops | Describes number of stops that can be set for airfare, as per the clients travel policy |
clientTravelPolicyUdid | Udids to validate whether they exist or whether they have a certain value before allowing the PNR to be ticketed. Created by nick on 5/6/14. |
clientTravelType | Provides names for travel types. |
clientType | Describes types of clients for the front end, Account, Department, Team, etc |
clientUdid | UDID stands for User Defined Field. A UDID is a text-only field in a trip that someone (a user) wants to use for advanced reporting. There can be up to 98 UDIDs in each trip, identified by their number (1-99). This object describes what we expect to be contained in each UDID. |
commission | Provides fee information for a client. |
concurAuthToken | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: nick Date: 9/12/13 Time: 4:44 PM The authentication token required to get open bookings from Concur's TripLink |
contractAirType | A contract air type is a particular named program that is with an airline. Usually it is an SBP. Created by nick on 6/4/18. |
contractType | Definitions for various contract types used in the travel industry. Like MSA, LRA, CVA, etc. Created by nick on 1/16/18. |
country | Countries are nations with a centralized government that occupy a particular area. |
credentials | Credentials to log into a 3rd party system. |
creditCard | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: kstauffe Date: 9/20/13 Time: 11:46 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
creditCardType | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
customLink | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
dashboard | An object that simply represents a dashboard. |
dashboardLocation | An element representing a location in a user's dashboard. |
emailCC | An email address that should be included on all airtineraries/emails if one is sent to this client or user. |
emailDesign | An object that defines the content of a marketing email. |
emailTemplate | An object that defines the content of a marketing email. |
employeeDirectoryProfile | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: jeremiahs Date: 1/27/15 Time: 9:39 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
encompassCredentials | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
exchangeRate | Exchange rates are the rates of exchange in comparison to the USD. |
faq | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
faqCategory | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
feeJustification | A fee justification / reason code is a code that explains why a service fee was changed / different from the normal amount. Created by nick on 9/17/15. |
feedback | An object to store feedback information given by users. |
feedbackAnswer | Created by jeremiah on 3/22/17. |
feedbackAnswerLabel | Created by jeremiah on 3/22/17. |
feedbackQuestion | Created by jeremiah on 3/22/17. |
feedbackStatus | Created by jeremiah on 4/4/17. |
fees | Provides fee information for a client. |
fileInfo | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
flightDelay | A flight delay is a record of departures that are happening at an airport behind schedule. It is calculated from the Airport's recent history of flight departures. |
gdsScript | |
globalDistributionSystem | The global distribution system object represents a GDS. A GDS is a database system that agents use as a way to organize reservations with travel providers (airlines, specifically). |
group | An object that defines the groups that user's can be in. Groups are described by being members of roles. |
HRFeed | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: drmckenna Date: 9/5/14 Time: 2:09 PM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
hotelAgentNote | A note to be added to segments depending upon certain distinguishing features of the segment. User: nick Date: 2/7/14 Time: 3:26 PM |
hotelAttachmentQueue | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: jeremiahs Date: 5/29/15 Time: 10:06 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
hotelChainClientContract | A contract held with a client that is particular to a full hotel chain as opposed to a single property. User: nick Date: 3/11/14 Time: 3:12 PM |
hotelClientContract | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: nick Date: 11/22/13 Time: 9:37 AM Hotel contracts relate the clients to the hotel that they have agreed with on special deals or privileges. |
hotelFamily | A hotel family is a corporate entity that owns many hotel chains. They will often share rate plans amongst all their chains. User: nick Date: 3/11/14 Time: 2:25 PM |
hotelJustification | Different codes that represent the justification of why a hotel was not booked or why the preferred hotel was not chosen. Created by nick on 5/22/15. |
hotelLocation | A hotel location represents a hotel property that a traveler stays in during their trip. |
hotelLocationCode | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: nick Date: 10/18/13 Time: 9:32 AM A linking object between hotel and GDS. This allows for us to track specifics on hotels across GDSes. |
hotelSegment | A hotel segment is a period of time that a traveler stays in a hotel. |
hotelVendor | An element that represents vendors for hotel segments. |
importAnalytic | An analytic record recording the progress of a PNR being loaded (or previously loaded) into Airportal. |
industry | A simple identifying object for listing out generic industry types in the business world. Created by nick on 12/5/17. |
internalNews | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
invoice | An invoice represents a transaction of booking. So if a traveler pays for his whole itinerary on one credit card at the same time, he'll have one invoice. |
itinerary | An object that describes a trip as a summary. |
itinerarySpendGoals | A list of goals for a given user for travel spending. This represents a single month of goals, the user may have many months of goals. |
itinerarySpendSummary | A summary of the total cash spent on an invoice, group-able by month and year. |
itineraryStatus | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
linkedUdid | |
logEntry | A log entry is a type of object that we use to track changes to critical objects. Created by nick on 5/24/18. |
loginAttempts | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
marketingEmailContent | An object that defines the content of a marketing email. |
marketingEmailStatus | An object that defines an analytic element for a marketing email message. |
marketingEmailType | An object that defines a marketing email type. |
meal | An element that represents meal codes for airportal. |
notification | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
notificationCheckin | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 4/25/14 Time: 11:34 AM |
notificationMethod | Notification methods describe the different methods available that a user can be notified by. |
notificationStatus | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
officeAppLink | Links that should appear at the top of the app for clients of this office. |
officeBannerAd | A banner ad for an office to show on it's traveler's airtineraries and promo pages. |
officeItinerarySetting | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
officeProfileSettings | An object that represents special custom settings an office. |
officeTravelPolicy | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: nick Date: 10/1/13 Time: 2:54 PM A description of the policy for the PCC. This will hold rules that the office requires its agents to follow for booking PNRs. |
onlineBookingEngine | An online booking engine is a web accessible tool that travelers can book travel with. They usually include an application that can search for flights, car rental places, etc. |
passengerInformation | An element that represents information about passengers who have itineraries. |
payment | A payment made in response to a fare charge. |
paymentForm | The Payment Form is the table for the client's form of payment. including billing address. created by Jeremiah May 28, 2015 Modified By: Susan Grey Modified On: 11/21/2017 Added a new field Issuing Bank. |
perDiemReimbursementRate | A per diem reimbursement rate is the amount that the federal government is willing to reimburse government travelers for their travel. It is broken out by area and time, because rates go up and down for each area and different areas may cost more (or less). Created by nick on 4/18/16. |
permission | An object describing a possible authorization. Role names should match rules hard coded into the security context. |
proactiveTime | Describes an entry in proactive time management |
proactiveTimeActivity | Describes an activity for proactive time management |
proactiveTimeCategory | Describes a category of activities for proactive time management |
proactiveTimeGoals | Describes an entry in proactive time management |
profileAddressType | An address type identifies the address type that a field is grouped under HOME, WORK, etc |
profileField | An Profile field is a mapped property for the profile logic system. Each field is mapped by a code which we then use to translate into OBE profiles. The data stored for each field is universal though. We store the same data formats for concur as we do for resx. We only translate the data when we push to external systems. |
profileFieldGroup | A profile field group gives identities to groups of fields. For instance, a group of fields may need to be processed as a credit card, or a passport. Field groups give them this identity when we send them to external systems. |
profileFieldVisibility | Used to tie visibility group access to a single profile field DO NOT USE. UP FOR DEPRECATION. |
profileImportAnalytic | Analytic that records that status of profile imports from external sources |
profileInputType | An OBE input type is a descriptor of a type of property for an OBE. For instance, it describes that a name field/property is an alphanumeric. We use this object to describe to the UI how to render a property to the user for editing. |
profileUploadAnalytic | Analytic for tracking the status of profile uploads. |
profileValue | DO NOT USE. UP FOR DEPRECATION Combines encrypted and unencrypted profiles |
profileValueEncrypted | A profile value is the value that a user has entered to be submitted into their profile in the GDS or OBE. You can think of the client profile fields as questions and that the profile value is the answer to that question. |
profileValueGroup | A profile value group binds a collection of profile values. These groups define relationships between multiple profile values. For instance, a group of fields can be processed together when we send them to an OBE or GDS. So when we send process field groups we can identify them as a credit card or passport, etc. This all extends from the idea that all profiles fields only know what they are as individual values, but the profile value group lets us give them an cohesive identity. |
profileValueUnencrypted | A profile value is the value that a user has entered to be submitted into their profile in the GDS or OBE. You can think of the client profile fields as questions and that the profile value is the answer to that question. This version does not encrypt the data in an effort to maximize use of database space. |
queue | A queue is a place in the GDS that PNRs are put for later processing. |
queueAgentSortSetting | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: nick Date: 9/18/13 Time: 1:27 PM Adds an exclusion to agent sorting that allows a PNR to be redirected to a different agent based on provided criteria. |
queueSortSetting | A queue sort setting is a definition of traits that a PNR must have to be sent to another queue. |
queueType | An object that identifies different meanings to queues. For instance, you can label a queue for ticket rejection messages. Created by nick on 5/6/15. |
queueTypeOfficeDefault | An object to help determine what the agent's queues should look like if they are not set up at the agent level. Created by nick on 5/6/15. |
quickLink | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
region | Regions are localized states/provinces/municipalities within a country. |
reservation | A reservation is a ticket or receipt made for a trip. This also includes service or penalty fees, but not car and hotel reservations because those are not charged at the time of reservation. |
reservationStatus | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
reservationTax | A tax is the amount due to a regulatory body whenever an exchange of funds is made or a service rendered. |
reservationType | ReservationType is the type of reservation. Like Air, Car, Hotel, etc. |
riskManagementVendor | A risk management vendor is a vendor that helps clients manage emergencies while travelers are on the road. These are also referred to as SOSes. Created by nick on 10/6/15. |
role | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
SSOProtocol | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
samlConfig | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
seat | A seat reserved on a plane for a traveler. |
seatStatus | Seat statuses are the status of a seat reservation. Like if it is reserved or on hold. |
segmentStatus | A segment status is the reservation status of the segment. Like if it is confirmed or on wait list. |
serviceFeeAccrualFrequency | The rate at which the accrual happens for fees. Created by nick on 4/16/14. |
serviceFeeActivity | A unit of work that induces a fee. Like issuing a ticket. Created by nick on 4/16/14. |
serviceFeeLaborer | A person or system that does a unit of work. Created by nick on 4/16/14. |
serviceFeePayFrequency | The rate at which the client agrees to pay the accrued amount. Created by nick on 4/16/14. |
serviceFeePayType | The payment type that the client agrees to use. Like cash or credit card. Created by nick on 4/16/14. |
serviceFeeProduct | A product from a unit of work that induces a service fee. Created by nick on 4/16/14. |
siteAnalytic | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
stopOver | A stop over is an airport & time that a flight will stop at to refuel during the flight. |
ticketingAnalytic | An analytic that tracks each ticket / approval attempt. Created by nick on 6/3/14. |
ticketingAnalyticMessage | Messages and errors that approval and ticketing record while attempting to finalize an itinerary. Created by nick on 1/22/15. |
ticketingAnalyticReviewer | A user that the approval/review message/email was sent to and any corresponding tracking data. Created by nick on 1/27/15. |
timeZone | The time zones around the world. Created by nick on 7/2/14. |
tmcBannerAd | A banner ad that a TMC sets to show to it's travelers on Airtineraries and promo pages. |
tmcItinerarySetting | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
tmcSettings | Settings of the TMC that should be applied to all accounts serviced by that TMC. Created by nick on 11/10/15. |
trainStation | An element representing Train station codes in Airportal. |
trainVendor | An element that represents vendors for train segments. |
travelManagementCompany | A TMC (Travel Management Company) is a large corporation that manages trips for other companies/groups/entities. A TMC typically has many offices, giving them a corporate status. Created by nick on 11/9/15. |
travelOption | An element that represents travel options for travel segments. |
travelOptionType | A travel option type is the description for the codes retrieved describing the various entries on travel segments. |
travelPolicy | The travel policy for a client/division/group. This should define when the specific rules should be applied as well as common terminology that should be applied on rules. If you see references to LLF or Lowest Logical Fare, what that means is that property is restricting the possibilities for searching for the lowest logical fare. Created by nick on 1/27/15. |
travelPolicyAction | A travel policy action is the action that must be taken when a trip violates the organization's travel policy. Created by nick on 3/29/16. |
travelPolicyDisplay | A travel policy display is a short summary of what the agent should pay attention to for the account"s travel policy. An account"s travel policy should be the result of a list of these texts. If none of these are created, the travel policy will automatically build bulletpoints from the actual travel policy record. Created by nick on 2/17/17. |
travelPolicyOperator | An operator that could be used in a travel policy. Created by nick on 2/2/15. |
travelPolicyQueue | A list of queues that the client/office would like itineraries to be queued to after ticketing. Created by nick on 6/2/14. |
travelPolicyRefundableOption | The travel policy refundability options are to help explain what refundability the client prefers when determining the lowest logical fare. Created by nick on 1/28/16. |
travelPolicyReviewer | A reviewer is the responsible person that must take action for a travel policy. Like an approver or an agent. Created by nick on 3/29/16. |
travelPolicyRule | The travel policy rule. A rule is part of a rule class that defines one of the guards. Each rule will validate one property on a PNR. Chain them together to validate multiple properties of a PNR. Created by nick on 1/29/15. |
travelPolicyRuleClass | One rule class creates one violation each. This is where the message for the violation is stored. Created by nick on 1/29/15. |
travelPolicyRuleType | The travel policy rule type defines what properties the rule evaluates when checking against the value/operator/unit of the itinerary. Created by nick on 1/29/15. |
travelPolicySummary | Free form user created summary of a policy. Created by jeremiah on 7/10/17. |
travelPolicyUnit | A travel policy unit is a unit of measurement that could be used in a policy rule. Created by nick on 2/2/15. |
travelSegment | An element that represents travel segments of itineraries. |
travelSegmentRemark | An element that represents remarks for Hotel segments. |
travelVendor | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: nick Date: 10/18/13 Time: 3:41 PM A travel vendor is a vendor that is from a TUR segment or other type of travel. We use these to determine pretty names for segments and to help determine the types of tickets. |
tripitAnalytic | Tripit analytics are for tracking the uploads and deletes using Tripit's webservice API. |
udidReportCode | Udid Report Codes are codes used in Airportal that define what column a particular UDID should be labeled under when reporting through Airportal services. User: nick Date: 11/11/13 Time: 10:37 AM |
unclaimedCommission | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
user | An element representing a user for AirPortal. |
userCurrentClient | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
userItinerarySetting | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
userRequest | A record of applications / requests made by people to have airportal logins created for them. Created by jameson on 7/16/14. |
userToWt0Task | Author: Susan Grey Date: 11/2/17 Time: 4:35 PM |
username | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
vendorContact | Created by aturcsanski on 9/20/16. |
virtualPayContact | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
virtualPaymentCard | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 3/7/17 Time: 2:06 PM |
virtualPaymentCredentials | An object to store bank credentials for generating one-time use cards for accounts. User: Kurt Stauffer Date: 3/3/17 Time: 8:09 AM |
virtualPaymentServiceType | User: Kurt Stauffer Date: 3/3/17 Time: 8:06 AM |
visaType | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
voidLog | A void log is a record of a ticket that has been voided. Accounting uses these to track void activity and report them to proper authorities (like ARC). |
widget | An object that represents a widget and it's properties. |
widgetDashboard | An element representing which dashboards a widget may belong to. |
widgetDashboardAbstract | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 3/23/16 Time: 2:41 PM |
wt0Task | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 4/26/16 Time: 8:26 AM |
itinerarySavingsDetail | The individual parts that make up itinerary savings summary totals. We translate these from the UDIDs on incoming invoices, which are mapped to the ValueLogicUdid class |
itinerarySavingsSummary | The calculated totals from all the details records that belong to the summary record. |
monthlySummary | Cache of calculated client information. These are built and rebuilt periodically for fast retrieval of savings data. |
savingsType | The type of savings that the invoiceSavingsSummary is classified as. |
valuelogicUdidInfo | A UDID is a record in the GDS that defines a custom information field. This class is mapped in the database to a specific number that corresponds to hard coded values in our GDS scripts. When we import an itinerary, we scan through the invoice for UDID strings, and parse them out. Then we match them up to the UDID information that is stored here to determine what type of savings we are dealing with. |
valuelogicUdidNumber | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
valuelogicUdidService | A specific type of savings entered by the user, we use these to categorize all the invoice savings records that come into the system. A service belongs to a specific UDID, each valuelogic UDID string has a code attached to it. When we parse the UDID string we get the UDID number and code, which matched it up to a specific service. |
airtineraryErrorReport | An object representing an error thrown during a scheduled process. |
errorCode | An object that holds standardized error messages (in English). |
errorReport | An object representing an error thrown during a scheduled process. |
importErrorReport | An object representing an error thrown during a scheduled process. |
midofficeErrorReport | A report record defining the state of a PNR in the midoffice. Created by nick on 7/19/17. |
profileImportError | An object representing an error thrown during a scheduled process. |
profileUploadError | An object representing an error thrown during a scheduled process. |
queueErrorReport | An object representing an error thrown during a scheduled process. |
tripitErrorReport | An object representing an error thrown during a scheduled process. |
jiraIssue | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
jiraProjectInfo | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
jiraVersion | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
travelAlert | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
travelAlertDestination | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
travelAlertNotification | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
travelAlertSeverity | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: kstauffe Date: 8/30/13 Time: 2:15 PM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
travelAlertType | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
weatherForecast | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
domoDataSet | Created by susan on 4/12/18. |
domoGroup | Created by susan on 4/6/18. |
domoPolicy | Created by susan on 4/12/18. |
domoUser | Created by susan on 4/4/18. |
faxDocument | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: kstauffe Date: 9/24/13 Time: 3:25 PM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
faxError | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
faxQueue | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: kstauffe Date: 9/20/13 Time: 11:04 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
faxStatus | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
hubspotDeleteList | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
subCategory | An object that defines the help desk ticket status. |
ticketInfo | An object that defines the help desk ticket information. |
customFieldTemplate | Reporting fields that should be sent with one-time use card requests so that they show up in the bank reports. Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 4/6/17 Time: 1:19 PM |
hplDocument | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 11/21/13 Time: 10:30 AM |
hplEmail | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: kstauffe Date: 9/24/13 Time: 10:49 AM A destination to send fax confirmations to. This could be teams, specific emails, or wild cards like 'agent' |
hplLog | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: kstauffe Date: 9/20/13 Time: 9:11 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
hplQueue | A record which represents a consumable message. These are consumed by different IHotelPaymentDelivery implementations. The IHotelPaymentDelivery consume these to deliver payment via fax, email, or other integrations (sertifi) to a hotel. User: Kurt Stauffer Date: 9/20/13 Time: 8:36 AM |
hplSettings | HPL Settings stores the configuration for how Airportal should create payment remittances for hotel services. User: Kurt Stauffer Date: 9/24/13 Time: 9:45 AM |
userDefinedFieldTemplate | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: kstauffe Date: 9/25/13 Time: 11:48 AM A String template for sending reporting fields to Virtual Payment Providers. |
advisorAward | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: jeremiahs Date: 10/3/14 Time: 11:39 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
advisorBanner | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: jeremiahs Date: 10/2/14 Time: 10:46 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
advisorDepartment | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
advisorDesignation | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
advisorDestination | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
advisorInterest | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
advisorInterestCategory | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: jeremiahs Date: 9/22/14 Time: 10:50 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
advisorProfile | User: nick Date: 10/2/13 Time: 4:39 PM A leisure agent profile. These are publicly displayed on the andavo website When hidden = false and active = true. |
advisorSchedule | Advisor schedules are used to track the hours an advisor works on a daily basis. User: nick Date: 1/23/14 Time: 3:31 PM |
advisorSpecialization | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
advisorSpecialty | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: jeremiahs Date: 12/3/14 Time: 7:25 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
advisorTestimonial | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: jeremiahs Date: 10/31/14 Time: 10:51 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
agentGroup | Agent groups are simple container for agents, so that they can be added quickly to clients. |
employeeInfo | An object describing this user as an employee. |
employeeType | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
officeInfo | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
onlineSupportOffice | The contact information for the online support desk that will show up on the travel contacts page. |
profileAirNumber | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
profileCarNumber | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
profileCreditCard | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
profileCustom | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
profileHotelNumber | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
profileUrl | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
profileUser | Domain object for the profile_user table from the inside schema. |
sapGroup | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
sapJob | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
sapStat | An object defining the basic abilities we want all of our hibernate objects to have. |
groupRequestTraveler | A traveler that intends to go on a trip that is requested by the request system. |
groupRequestTravelerLoyaltyProgram | A traveler's discount program that they hold with an airline. Should be one per airline. |
groupRequestTravelerPassport | A passport for a traveler that is intending to travel in a group trip. Should be one per country they are citizens in. |
groupTraveler | An object that defines the group traveler travelling. |
groupTravelerLoyaltyProgram | |
groupTravelerPassport | |
groupTravelerType | A traveler can be of a certain type. They come in all shapes and sizes. Some good, some bad. In this case, it is more likely Athletes or Coaches, which indicate their leadership levels. |
travelGroup | An object that tracks the travel groups for a client. |
travelGroupRequest | A request for a group trip, where multiple travelers want to travel using a special one-time contract |
travelGroupRequestAttachmentUrl | The location of a file that describes an agreement between two entities for a request. Typically used for contracts. |
travelGroupRequestDeparture | A departure is the location that a traveler will be leaving from. |
travelGroupRequestDestination | A destination that a group trip requests to travel to. |
travelGroupRequestGround | A ground segment that the travelers wish to endure. Like a car ride. |
travelGroupRequestGroundUrl | A link to a file that will have relevance to a trip on the ground. Like a confirmation email from a rental agency. |
travelGroupRequestHotel | A hotel night stay that the travelers of the request wish to attend. |
travelGroupRequestStatus | The status of a group travel request. This identifies where they are in the process. |
simpleConstraintDescriptor | An object that describes a constraint on a property. This should be used for simple comparative validation when you don't want to hit the server to check for empty strings, etc. |
simpleViolation | An object that describes violations in constraints. |
address | |
agentCommissionPojo | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
airBankUnusedTicketSummary | Created by jeremiah on 6/3/16. |
autocompleteData | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 9/11/14 Time: 4:33 PM |
autocompleteDomain | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 9/22/14 Time: 1:47 PM |
autocompleteList | A simple wrapper of a list of autocomplete results. |
autocompleteResult | A result row of an autocomplete search. |
autocompleteSuggestion | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 8/28/14 Time: 4:19 PM |
callInfo | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
commissionSummary | Provides a summary of commissions |
displayName | A simple object to be used for drop-down lists and displays, where the object is an identifier and a displayed name. |
displayTraveler | An adjusted display name object that now also has a traveler id. Created by nick on 7/17/14. |
dropdownPojo | A simple pojo for returning key value dropdown pairs. |
filterItem | |
JAXBDouble | |
JAXBGrid | |
JAXBHashMap | |
JAXBHashMapEntry | |
JAXBList | A simple list wrapper to wrap objects in. You can send this one over JAXB. |
mapWrapper | |
recentCountry | An object to represent the number of travelers in a given country. |
recentSegment | An object describing a segment that a passenger has been in recently. Because of the fact that mySQL does not support views with variables or subqueries, this object cannot be live. |
recipient | |
repairableItineraryInfo | Used to relay minimal information on a repairable itinerary |
repairableItineraryResults | Used to relay repairable itinerary search results |
safetyCheckDisplay | |
simpleCommissionNote | Created by jeremiah on 9/8/16. |
simpleConsultantProfile | Created by jeremiah on 4/6/18. |
travelSpendSummaryPojo | |
wt0TaskPojo | A simple wrapper of a key value wt0 task updates. |
transactionPojo | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 5/11/16 Time: 11:21 AM |
chart | |
data | |
accountProactiveTime | Provides a summary of proactive time information for an account |
airTripRequest | A request for a set of flights using the given parameters. For complex trip types, place all flight requests into the outboundFlights array or it will be considered a round trip. Created by nick on 8/5/16. |
checkins | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 6/12/14 Time: 4:18 PM |
clientChartNode | A node used in a chart that will describe client relations. Created by nick on 5/1/15. |
clientLogoConfiguration | An object to describe the logo locations for an account. |
clientPipeline | ClientPipeline is used to display to sales what the status is on clients in the implementation process, as well as contact and other reporting information on these clients. Created by nick on 11/12/15. |
clientUdidDisplay | The most basic entity type in our domain. We require that there is a location open to enter violations, so that this information can be returned to the client. |
dashboardLatLng | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 1/12/17 Time: 2:16 PM |
expandedProactiveTimeActivity | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 10/9/14 Time: 1:05 PM |
flatTravelRequest | Created by jeremiah on 1/11/18. |
flatTravelRequestContact | Created by jeremiah on 1/11/18. |
flatTravelRequestPassenger | Created by jeremiah on 1/11/18. |
flatTravelRequestSegment | Created by jeremiah on 1/11/18. |
flatTravelRequestUdid | Created by jeremiah on 1/11/18. |
flightRequest | A request for flight information using the given parameters. Created by nick on 7/28/16. |
gdacsAlert | An alert from GDACS describing a natural disaster. Created by nick on 10/21/14. |
gdsScriptGrid | Generic grid data structure.
The data structure is mostly adapted to the jQgrid json format, but it can be adapted to
any reasonable grid library, with a little effort.
The optimal way to handle this would be with generics, just passing in the domain object name into an |
gdsScriptPojo | |
hotelAttachmentRecord | Created by jeremiah on 2/22/16. Pojo for the hotel attachment dashboard's data table. |
hotelAttachmentSummary | Created by jeremiah on 2/22/16. |
hotelRequest | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: jeremiahs Date: 7/1/15 Time: 11:02 AM Simple Pojo for building hotel stay requests on a travel request. |
lightWeightAdvisor | Created by jeremiah on 11/16/16. |
managedWidget | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 3/22/16 Time: 12:00 PM |
maskedCreditCard | Web safe bean for providing information about a CreditCard object Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 10/24/13 Time: 3:26 PM Modified By: Susan Grey Modified On: 11/21/2017 Added a new field Issuing Bank. |
maskedEncompassCredentials | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: kurt Date: 11/8/13 Time: 9:10 AM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
midofficeAgentDetail | An object crafted specifically for getting agent details for a midoffice ticketing system. Created by nick on 7/2/15. |
midofficeAgentQueue | Queues specific to agents. These should match with codes that the midoffice can reference. Created by nick on 7/2/15. |
midofficeClientContract | A message to communicate vendor contract relationships with a midoffice system. Created by nick on 7/2/15. |
midofficeClientUdid | A message to a midoffice system with udid details for an account. Created by nick on 7/2/15. |
midofficeDivision | A message that can be used to transfer division (client) details to the midoffice. Created by nick on 3/10/16. |
midofficeFormOfPayment | All the information that a midoffice would need to bill travel payments. Created by nick on 7/2/15. |
midofficeOfficeDetail | Information about a particular PCC/SID that a midoffice system should know about. Created by nick on 4/11/18. |
midofficeServiceFee | A message to communicate what service fee to apply to a PNR. Created by nick on 7/7/15. |
midofficeUnusedTicket | An unused ticket with only information useful to a midoffice system. Created by nick on 7/2/15. |
newSalesClientRequest | A request to create a new client with only the parameters that sales associates should be aware of. Created by nick on 6/27/17. |
notificationDisplay | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 6/27/16 Time: 8:56 AM |
notificationPojo | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 1/7/14 Time: 9:16 AM |
notificationRecipient | |
plannerGroupGrid | Generic grid data structure.
The data structure is mostly adapted to the jQgrid json format, but it can be adapted to
any reasonable grid library, with a little effort.
The optimal way to handle this would be with generics, just passing in the domain object name into an |
plannerGroupPojo | |
proactiveTimeDisplay | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 6/23/16 Time: 2:04 PM |
profileData | Pojo to transport profile data in its most basic form |
profileGroupPojo | For transferring critical information about profile value groups. Mainly used for filling in values of profile forms with minimal payload. |
profileValuePojo | |
recipientDisplay | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 6/27/16 Time: 2:22 PM |
simpleAdvisor | Simple advisor is a simplified version of the advisor profile. |
simpleAgent | A simple object containing agent information. Created by nick on 11/29/16. |
simpleAgentTeam | |
simpleAirLegOption | A leg in a trip is a consecutive number of flights that happen consecutively with a defined origin and destination city. A leg can be made of one or many flights. Created by nick on 8/10/16. |
simpleAirTripOption | A simple trip option that explains an available flight. Created by nick on 7/28/16. |
simpleAirselectAnalytic | A simplified version of the Airselect analytic object. Primarily for over-the-wire communication. Created by nick on 11/29/16. |
simpleAirtineraryAnalytic | A simplified version of Airtinerary Analytic object |
simpleClientContact | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: nick Date: 10/15/13 Time: 11:31 AM A collection of all the different phone numbers that a client can call. |
simpleClientContactInfo | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: jeremiahs Date: 8/18/14 Time: 3:38 PM contains the basic contact info for a client |
simpleClientContract | Provides vendor contract info for a client. |
simpleClientHeader | Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: jeremiahs Date: 8/18/14 Time: 3:22 PM This object is used on the admin tools as the header containing the clients contact info. |
simpleClientManager | Created by jeremiah on 1/15/15. |
simpleFeedback | Created by jeremiah on 3/9/17. |
simpleFlightOption | A flight, or leg of a flight from one airport to another. Created by nick on 7/28/16. |
simpleImport | Simplified itinerary import object |
simplePassenger | A simplified version of the passenger object that can be passed around for summaries of itineraries. |
simpleRoleSummary | A simple user used only for recording account purposes. This will have more information than is typically needed. Created by nick on 2/17/17. |
simpleTravelSpendSummary | Created by jeremiah on 5/26/16. Summary data for itinerary spend data. Transactions and Amounts. |
simpleUser | |
smallClient | A small client for the org chart. |
smallTravelerPojo | |
ticketingHistory | A history of ticketing approvals. Created by nick on 5/19/15. |
ticketingSummary | A ticketing summary is a summary of a ticketing analytic. Created by nick on 1/22/15. |
travelHistoryLatLng | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 1/12/17 Time: 2:16 PM |
travelRequest | |
travelerGrid | Generic grid data structure.
The data structure is mostly adapted to the jQgrid json format, but it can be adapted to
any reasonable grid library, with a little effort.
The optimal way to handle this would be with generics, just passing in the domain object name into an |
udidEditDetail | The details on the available options per each udid. Created by nick on 9/15/15. |
wt0TaskCount | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 4/19/16 Time: 8:45 AM |
wt0TaskDetails | Author: Susan Grey Date: 11/3/17 Time: 2:59 AM |
travelSpendingChart | |
maskedGroupLoyaltyProgram | |
maskedGroupPassport | |
maskedGroupRequest | |
maskedGroupTraveler | |
basicSeries | Series objects represent the different data types we can have in our chart: -Slices of the pie -Types of bars -Line data sets |
chartData | |
domoCar | The details of car segments, given in a flat format for Domo. Created by nick on 3/27/17. |
domoCityPairs | Trip summaries with only the basic information. Created by nick on 3/27/17. |
domoHotel | Hotel data, given in a flat format for Domo. Created by nick on 3/27/17. |
domoTrip | Air segment details, given in a flat format form for Domo. Created by nick on 3/27/17. |
domoUnusedTicket | Unused ticket information, given in a flat file format for Domo. Created by nick on 3/27/17. |
externalEmailContent | |
confirmationDetailsDTO | |
sertifiCard | |
sertifiCompany | |
sertifiContact | |
sertifiOtherField | |
sertifiPaymentMethodAccessData | |
sertifiTraveler | |
sertifyTransaction | |
hplBillingAccount | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 4/16/14 Time: 10:15 AM |
hplBillingTransaction | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 12/10/13 Time: 4:20 PM |
hplQueueGrid | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 10/15/14 Time: 11:37 AM |
hplStats | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 6/25/14 Time: 12:57 PM |
hplValidationResponse | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 3/4/16 Time: 1:55 PM |
requeueDetails | Author: Kurt Stauffer Date: 10/17/14 Time: 9:38 AM |
airSegmentSpend | Specific display information relating to individual tickets for spend reconciliation. |
carSegmentSpend | Specific car segment booking information Created by jeremiah on 9/21/16. |
displayApproval | The display approval is a place to store approval elements in the DisplayItinerary. This includes the buttons and messages for approval processes. Created by nick on 2/6/15. |
displayCode | |
displayHotelAttachment | A class with information to show in the hotel attachment section of an Airtinerary. Created by nick on 5/18/15. |
displayInvoice | An invoice is the grouping of tickets into a single transaction for recording purposes. |
displayItinerary | A display itinerary has all of the details in an itinerary that a traveler would want to see. This should contain specifics like notes from our system (but not from the GDS) and should have all of the parts a traveler would not care about removed. |
displayLink | |
displayNotes | |
displayOption | |
displayPassenger | General information about the passengers going on this trip. |
displayQuote | An estimation of what a single ticket would cost. |
displayRate | A name value pair for breaking down rates by cost type (remember that all rates are time sensitive too!). Cost types can be like an hourly rate, or per mileage amount, etc. |
displaySeat | Information about a reserved seat on a travel vehicle. |
displaySegment | |
displayStopOver | Information about a stopping point in a travel segment. |
displayTicket | Information about the tickets associated with the trip. |
hotelSegmentSpend | Specific booking information for hotel segment spending. Created by jeremiah on 9/21/16. |
miscSegmentSpend | Specific segment booking information for miscellaneous travel types Created by jeremiah on 9/21/16. |
railSegmentSpend | Specific booking data for rail travel segments. Created by jeremiah on 9/21/16. |
simpleAirSeat | Created by nick on 8/24/16. |
simpleAirSegment | Created by nick on 8/24/16. |
simpleAirStopOver | Created by nick on 8/24/16. |
simpleCarSegment | Created by nick on 8/24/16. |
simpleHotelSegment | Created by nick on 8/24/16. |
simpleInvoice | Created by nick on 8/24/16. |
simpleItinerary | An itinerary capable of being sent with all information that is XML/JSON compatible. This will be used to talk specifics with outside systems on creating/viewing itineraries. Created by nick on 8/24/16. |
simplePassengerInfo | Created by nick on 8/24/16. |
simpleTicket | Created by nick on 8/24/16. |
simpleTrainSegment | Created by nick on 8/24/16. |
simpleTravelSegment | Created by nick on 8/24/16. |
basicProfileTemplate | |
incompleteProfileGrid | Created by susan on 7/5/18. |
profile | User profile pojo |
profileEditTemplate | |
profileUploadPojo | Wrapper class for List of ProfileValueGroup and ProfileUploadAnalytic |
simpleTravelProfile | A simple travel profile that can be used to update basic travel profile fields. This is for rapid development and all fields here should be available in most (if not all) clients. If more profile fields are required, then updating the profile value groups is the best idea. Created by nick on 9/15/16. |
syncInfo | Root Class for defining a sync event |
averageSavingsLineGraph | |
hardSavingsPieChart | Class representing the data for the hard savings pie ValueLogic chart |
monthlyBreakdownGraph | A month to month representation for valuelogic savings |
monthlyBreakdownSeries | |
simpleItinerarySavings | Simple pojo that can be used to pass only the basic data for valuelogic. Created by nick on 12/30/14. |
valueLogicAgentReport | |
clientDTO | A simple Virtual pay client Data Transfer Object |